CFN– If Quebec Premier Pauline Marois and her Separatist friends are serious about a Spring snap election I would suggest that she call it an all or nothing call.   That a vote for her party is a vote clearly for separation and that if granted a majority government itContinue Reading

Anytime you go from 14.2 to 29.5 MILLION page views in one year it’s something to be proud of!   And that’s exactly what CFN has done thanks to you; our amazing viewers! And now it’s time for some of the numbers! Canadian traffic 88.7% US  8.23% Unique Visitors forContinue Reading

CFN –  We had so much fun with our first full page and banner deals that we’re having another one day sale on Corner banner ads on CFN! Especially important with the election season starting in Ontario! You get a 240×140 pixel banner for one month for only $149+HST! That’sContinue Reading

Founded in Kingston, Ontario in 1954, we are a people-oriented, private real estate company engaged in the construction, acquisition, and management of multi-family residential projects in Ontario and Naples, Florida. We have branch offices in London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa and Naples, with the head office in Kingston.   Superintendents live and work in ourContinue Reading

CFN –   Singers have their one special hit; authors their books, but legendary Canadian political cartoonist Terry Mosher, better known as Aislin, has hit a new high note in his long and historic career with his new cartoon depicting the Quebec Premier spoofing the Miley Cyrus song Wrecking Ball!Continue Reading

CFN – Quebec’s new Charter of Shame has been condemned loudly outside of the province.  It’s also be loudly rejected within by the opposition parties, by labour, by Mayoralty candidates in Montreal, Quebec’s largest union federation, the mayors of the 15 other municipalities on the island of Montreal, a prominent BlocContinue Reading