While the world is shutting down and encouraging gatherings of less than 5 people only and well spaced, here in Cornwall Ontario, in spite of a high level of seniors and those with morbidity, which means higher treatment and death rates for COVID 19 Coronavirus victims, the Bingo Hall onlyContinue Reading

From the College Website: Update March 15, 2020, 11:30 AM A member of the SLC Cornwall campus community has tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from a recent trip to the United States. They were diagnosed at a local hospital, treated, and are at home under self-isolation.  Effective immediately, theContinue Reading

It starts with a tip: “…. that 3 nursing students that work there were instructed to self isolate for 14 days this afternoon from the Health unit.  A student in their class has tested positive for Covid 19. “ Shortly before 11 PM CFN spoke with the Pharmacist at WalmartContinue Reading

All Sunday Masses Cancelled in Alexandria-Cornwall March 14, 2020 Bishop Terrence Prendergast, bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, has taken the unprecedented step of cancelling all weekend Masses in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, which includes the 26 Catholic churches in the counties of Stormont and Glengarry. Amid increasing concerns overContinue Reading

Mamma Mia where is our mayor and her social media post writer? Flipper Clement makes a lot of noise, but she has failed this community during this crisis. First there was the NAVCANADA fiasco, and then her perpetual petty unprofessional attack on CFN viewers by refusing to issue information toContinue Reading

If you value truly Independent media and want us to keep delivering the content you want to read here on CFN or our social media channels now is the time to dig deep and send an e interac viewer donation to info@cornwallfreenews.com Without your support we simply will not haveContinue Reading

City Hall confirmed that after several years all that has been raised. IE, money in the bank, from all of those wanting an art centre in Cornwall at the former tiny Bank of Montreal building is a paltry….. $351,735.30 The City to date has purchased the building for nearly $500K.Continue Reading

I’ve been working on this for nearly two weeks as more info and developments keep occurring. As many who have been following this pandemic know it’s evolving and spreading with confirmed cases as close as Montreal. The biggest hurdle for public safety is that people don’t have to be exhibitingContinue Reading

Dear Editor, From shortly after midnight, and into the early hours of March 6, 2020, the Diamond Princess evacuees hope to leave the Cornwall Nav Centre quarantine facility and take back their lives. And if we’ve dodged a bullet, it’s chiefly because nobody was infected to start with, and itContinue Reading

ASSAULT Cornwall, ON – Matthew Sawyer, 33, of Cornwall was arrested on February 28th, 2020 and charged with assault. It is alleged on February 28th, 2020, he assaulted a man he did not know and police were contacted to investigate. During the investigation, he was taken into custody, charged accordinglyContinue Reading