Cornwall ON – Afin de célébrer le Jour de la Terre, les élèves de l’école élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay, à Cornwall, ont nettoyé leur cour d’école sur l’heure du dîner, le 20 avril.   Pour la première fois, la Ville de Cornwall a collaboré avec l’école afin de fournir des sacsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – 80 étudiants et professeurs de l’école secondaire publique L’Héritage, à Cornwall, ont pédalé pour une bonne cause le 11 avril dernier. En effet, ils ont amassé 2 147$ en pédalant sur des vélos stationnaires lors de la 4e édition de l’Inside Ride.   La course consistait à pédalerContinue Reading

It has been officially 6 Months since my letter to the editor on October 20th, 2011.  The Communities in Boom Report placed Cornwall 100th out of 100 communities; stating that our city was difficult to start-up and maintain a business! . Many local officials and community figures were outraged andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Le gymnase de l’école secondaire catholique La Citadelle a changé de décor les 15 et 16 avril dernier pour une occasion unique et spéciale. En effet, le spectacle multidisciplinaire Citashow XX : nous la voulons, nous l’aurons y était présenté lors de ces deux soirées. Afin de fêter leContinue Reading

We are trying to raise awareness of Canada’s discriminatory practices towards disabled people who want to visit Canada. HE’S NOT A TERRORIST HE’S NOT A MURDERER, HE’S COMMITTED NO CRIME. YET CANADA HAS BANNED THIS 17 YEAR OLD FOR LIFE HE CAN NO LONGER ENTER CANADA AS A VISITOR. WHY?Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – What would Pat Finnerty say about Lift Off getting $30,000 in unsecured interest free loans?   That’s a rhetorical question of course as we didn’t ask Mr. Finnerty who ran for council and drew over 1000 votes in the last municipal election. Today the buzz hit theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Jeff Brunet was hopping mad today when the City of Cornwall granted Kinsmen Cornwall Lift Off 2011 an unsecured interest free $30,000 loan. Brunet the founder of Cornstalk and owner of Alkaline Entertainment was turned down from almost all city support and stated he was told thatContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Today Cornwall City Council granted a discombobulated Lift Off team an unsecured short term interest free loan of $30,000. One councilor voted against it, Andre Rivettte.  Kudos to him. As a small business owner and home owner I’m shocked and stunned.   Is City Hall really inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Lift Off Festival is going to City Council today; hat in hand, looking for $30K in loans.   It’s going to put some interesting pressure on council, but in the end I’d be sadly disappointed if these dollars are advanced.  There is no financial device that makes senseContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’re catching up from editing all this election debate video.     MP Bob Rae visited Cornwall Monday and had a lot to say about health care and Mr. Harper and his government. httpv:// “Stephen Harper is currently enrolled in the witness protection program..” Oil Companies andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Federal election is less than two weeks away and The Political Round Table is on the prowl. Today host Jamie Gilcig and pundits Denis Sabourin & Joe Gunn are joined by Michael Dean   and Green Candidates for SD&SG Wyatt Walsh, and Neal Donnelly of the Libertarian Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – La 3e édition de la Cabane à sucre fut un succès mitigé. En effet, les célébrations de la culture francophone, et de cette tradition québécoise, ont attiré plus de 800 personnes, comparativement à des milliers en 2009. La Cabane à sucre s’est déroulée les 15 et 16Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – SD&SG Liberal Candidate has a lot to smile about today!   Her campaign is entering a new gear as she revs up for the last two weeks of the campaign. Today she had a visitor come to assist her in her campaigning; former Premier of Ontario andContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Legal tobacco vendors recently received a letter from Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health, at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU)  warning us of  “third party companies that have started up in the area and are offering training to tobacco vendors on the Smoke Free Ontario Act.”Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – La Caisse populaire de Cornwall a remis 2 000$ en bourses d’études à des jeunes de Cornwall. Les noms des gagnants ont été dévoilés lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la Caisse à l’hôtel Best Western de Cornwall, le 13 avril dernier. Voici les gagnants : Maxime Lacroix 1 000$Continue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – We hear a lot about how the job picture and the economy has improved at the national level and that is indeed the reality. While this may be so, recent Statistics Canada reports reveal there are many significant variations around this trend.   Let’s look at theContinue Reading