Dear Sir, . The recent City of Cornwall ad about the June 12 waterfront public meetings at the civic complex is incomplete. It said in part “…residents will have a chance to learn more about the City of Cornwall Waterfront Plan…”. The ad would have been more correct if it added “which has beenContinue Reading

CFN – Members and supporters of the local newly re-branded Language Fairness for All – LFA group were joined by members of the Ottawa based umbrella group Canadians for Language Fairness outside of the Chesterville Legion this Wednesday evening. . The delegation was there in anticipation of an opportunity toContinue Reading

CFN – Geez, I miss one session of council and look what comes out!   Monday night a donnybrook took place over a “Ghost Policy” implemented by CAO Paul Fitzpatrick nearly three years ago. Essentially CUPE 234 employees seeking full time status had to take extensive aptitude testing for such roles asContinue Reading

CFN – I’m used to covering Cornwall City Council, but Monday night was special as I was part of a group to present to Council. Wyatt Walsh led the charge by asking CFN for help with the beaver trapping in Guindon Park.  What happened from there is a text bookContinue Reading

CFN – As we pass the three month mark of the Cornwall Ontario Community Hospital Bilingual Nurse protest Chris Cameron and his team dropped off their petition of over 3,000 signatures to SD&G MPP Jim McDonell at his office in Cornwall. The MPP and I had some one on oneContinue Reading

CFN – The end of an era today in Cornwall Ontario as Rub Salt frontman, Lift Off music programmer, and Corus radio music guy Rob Seguin leaves the City of a World of Possibilities for Peterborough. During Mr. Seguin’s tenure Corus radio in Cornwall has seen near unprecedented shrinkage inContinue Reading