CFN –Anyone who watches reality television is well aware of the newest craze.  Move over Jackass step aside the Kardasians, because stays at home Middle American mothers are the newest reality television craze.Extreme Couponing is TLC’s newest reality show showing everyday Mom’s pilling there carts with hundred’s (and sometimes Thousands)Continue Reading

CFN –Success is usually a word that’s used around the St. Lawrence College campus a lot, but it’s mostly used for students. Today it was a different story, today celebrated the successful renovation of the sixty some year old Moulinette Hall in a project that started a couple years ago.Continue Reading

Older generation residents of Cornwall may recall the old days when the city was a bustling river port that included a drydock. New York State proposes to impose new rules that pertain to the ballast water carried aboard ships that sail along the St Lawrence Seaway. After 2012, westbound shipsContinue Reading

CFN   –  One of the things that I had never thought possible to see would be a sport fanatic more crazy than our hockey fans, but here in Denmark, “football” (or soccer in Canada) is a huge sport. I had the opportunity to sit down with my family andContinue Reading

CFN –   For the second year in a row politicians and mavens in Cornwall Ontario are up in arms about their rating in the CFIB’s Communities in BOOM report which measures the Entrepreneurial environment of cities across Canada. From the CFIB: Ted Mallett, Vice-President & Chief Economist Queenie Wong, Senior ResearchContinue Reading

CFN – The Seaway Roller Derby Girls have released their first poster!   If you want more info on joining call Amy Brown at 613 677 9358! The group is now practicing and honing their skills and craft. For more about the group you can click the links below toContinue Reading

CFN –  Thursday October 20, 2011 I’m going to be charged with…. Disturbing the Peace!    That’s right an officer of the law will be picking me up and putting me in the slammer until you folks come to my rescue and bail me out! It’s all for a goodContinue Reading

CFN –  When you want to promote your business, service, event, or message you want the biggest BANG and value for your dollar!  The Cornwall Free News is proud to present our double wide Skyscraper banner ad on all of our inside pages! And now to welcome our latest offeringContinue Reading

CFN  – It’s been a crazy week and it’s only Monday!    I stopped by the VIP dinner here in Cornwall where Key note speaker of Biz Fest, Gerry Visca, shared some of his vision and worked the crowd. Mr. Visca is a moving speaker; very slick and passionate aboutContinue Reading

CFN – PAL (People`s Alternative Life Skills) will be holding its annual spaghetti supper fundraiser on Friday, October 21, 2011 from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Knigths of Columbus  Hall, Amelia Street Cornwall.  For information you may call 613-933-6924.   Le programme Choix Alternatif est un organisme à but nonContinue Reading

CFN – OPG and the Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Historical Society announce a new series of Cultural Talks at the St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre.  The first in the series is as follows: Date:  October 22, 2011 Time: 2:00 pm Topic: Ontario is getting ready, aye ready, to revisit the War ofContinue Reading

CFN  – We profile Cornwall’s newest Criminal lawyer, Milena Cardinal of Cardinal Law Office. Ms Cardinal, who grew up in Quebec, articled in Cornwall Ontario and decided to open her practice here after enjoying her stay in our community. Ms Cardinal on Cornwall. httpv:// We sat down and talked aContinue Reading

CFN –   Transition Cornwall+ propose deux après-midi de film et de discussion à la Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall, pour inspirer la population francophone à unir leurs efforts afin de surmonter les difficultés reliées au déclin du pétrole, des changements climatiques, et de l’instabilité économique mondiale. De plus en plus souvent,Continue Reading

CFN – Cornwall City Council has once again showed their support by endorsing and proclaiming Monday October 17th, 2011 as CORNWALL’S DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY. . On this day starting at 9 AM, the Social Development Council (SDC) of Cornwall & area will have the white flag raisedContinue Reading

  CFN – The City of Cornwall has been recognized for its efforts in promoting Brownfield redevelopment projects by partnering with other eastern Ontario municipalities to host a Brownfield workshop earlier this year.  Cornwall’s long track record of leadership in Brownfield redevelopment was further solidified as it recently shared theContinue Reading

  CFN – The results are in! Thanks to the outpouring of videos and local support, we are excited to announce that Saint Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School was named a first half finalist nominee in the State Farm Friday Night Feats contest and will be awarded $2,500!            .  In addition, Saint Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School is nowContinue Reading