CFN –  The 64th Annual Cornwall A.A. Conference is taking place November 4th & 5th 2011 at the Ramada Inn (805 Brookdale) Join Area 83 – District 50 with participation of Al-Anon participation as they focus on the theme  “Willingness is the Key”.  call 613 933-9897 or 613 9381984 for more information or toContinue Reading

CFN – Seaway Valley Crime Stoppers are proud to present Musical Comic legends Bowser and Blue LIVE at Aultsville Theatre (St.Lawrence College)  in Cornwall Ontario!  Local comedian Matthew Carter will be opening for the duo. httpv:// Tickets are available at the Civic Complex box office in Cornwall Ontario at 100Continue Reading

Mr. Peter Padbury, Publisher, Standard Freeholder daily newspaper, 1150 Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario 9th October, 2011 Dear sir: I am writing to express my disgust with the newspaper of which you are the publisher. I am very well known, throughout this community, for my constant writings in your newspaper whether theyContinue Reading

CFN –  Brockville Ontario is a lovely city of 24,000 people on the St. Lawrence river halfway from Kingston to the Quebec border.  Ideally situated close to the 416 highway to Ottawa and the US border it’s gone through a lot of changes in recent years. Acting Mayor Jason BakerContinue Reading

GIGANTIC  YARD  SALE . FRIDAY, Oct. 7th        noon to 6pm SATURDAY, Oct.8th   6am to 6pm SUNDAY, Oct.9th       8am to 3pm MONDAY, Oct. 10th  8am to 4pm CORNER HWY 138 (to Ottawa) and Cornwall Center Road (look for the signs) Two tractor trailer loads of commercial, industrial, farm, residential merchandise .Continue Reading

CFN – The size of the organization doesn’t matter, because both small family run businesses and large multinationals need to leverage a comprehensive succession planning process to secure the organization’s future.  Succession planning requires planning today to grow tomorrow.  Being strategic rather than reactive when someone leaves.  It is aboutContinue Reading

CFN –  Wow, this 2011 provincial election is almost done.  It’s been an ugly and turdulent affair with Racoons, mice, name calling, liar calling, sleazy 30’s style propaganda, and other trickery. See people don’t get the difference between Ontario NDP and the Federal NDP.   There’s a HUGE difference. TheContinue Reading

CFN – If the turnout in Cornwall for Premier Dalton McGuinty is indicative of the election results on October 6th, compared to the turn outs for Tim Hudak and Andrea Horvath the Liberal candidate will have a huge smile on his face on election night! httpv:// In spite of coldContinue Reading

CFN – New polls numbers are being crunched by Eric Grenier and his 308 website.    It’s showing what many are seeing; that this is going to be an amazing story in Ontario election history as Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal government are on the precipice of earning a thirdContinue Reading

Hi Jamie: Recently I received a phone call from the Bureau of Broadcast Measurement (the folks who compile the radio market rankings) asking for our household to participate in a week long survey. Today we received our radio diaries from the BBM.  Wondering how a person is to report listeningContinue Reading

Here is your City of Cornwall Ontario Bulletin for September 29, 2011 Click the Bulletin to blow up to full size!  Click the X on the bottom right corner to blow up even larger! For complete information on City Programs and Services visit Cornwall Ontario at Check out CornwallContinue Reading

  CFN – A group of artists will be working on a unique public art project to create a temporary mural at the northeast corner of Pitt and Second Streets. Beginning this Thursday evening, local artists, entrepreneurs and “Walldog” artists from across Canada and the U.S. will paint a seven-footContinue Reading

CFN –  We’re proud to welcome our newest scribe to The Cornwall Free News.  17 year old Tabatha Pilon is studying abroad, in Denmark.   She’s going to share her experiences with our viewers.   If you are doing something unique and special and want to share it with ourContinue Reading

CFN – The Seaway Roller Derby Girls were having a blast Friday night as they took hold of their first location.   They were able to get the basement of the Player’s Club on Pitt Street which will be their practice space.  A lot of cleaning and good times asContinue Reading