MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION – ROADWAY CLOSED Fatal Crash (NORTH GLENGARRY,ON) – Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are currently at the scene of a two (2) vehicle collision on Highway 417 Eastbound between County Road 34 (mile marker 27) and McCrimmon Road (mile marker 35), NorthContinue Reading

MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION – ROADWAY CLOSED (SOUTH DUNDAS,ON) – Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are currently on the scene of a two vehicle collision on County Road 2, South Dundas Township. Preliminary Investigation has indicated that at approximately 3:11pm, a passenger vehicle was travelling east boundContinue Reading

CFN viewer Cyndy Lajoie sent in this photo of what appears to be a single vehicle collision on Highway 43 that has the passengers trapped. Emergency vehicles are on en route. Accident Highway 43 just east of tagwi high school. Car on fire and occupants trapped inside They were travelingContinue Reading

Canada. Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that everyone has “the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.” Sadly in the City of Cornwall and SD&G this is a sad joke. It goes beyond freedom of the pressContinue Reading

River Institute receives prestigious NSERC Award Today, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced the River Institute as the winner of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Award for Science Promotion–Group Category. The award honours individuals and groups who make outstanding contributions toContinue Reading

IMPAIRED BY DRUG (SOUTH STORMONT,ON) – On April 12, 2019 at approximately 9:16am, a Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer intercepted a vehicle following a traffic complaint on Highway 401, South Stormont Township. Investigation indicated that the adult male driver was under the influence of a drug.Continue Reading

April is Daffodil month for the Canadian Cancer Society. Please buy and wear the Daffodil which helps fund their research, support and advocacy programs. Call 613- 932-1283 in Cornwall for more information. The Canadian Cancer Society would probably be grateful for volunteers also. Here is an old photo from theContinue Reading

By Mary Anne Pankhurst There’s no doubt that vaccine misinformation harms and kills people. Globally, the evidence for that is in. But do you know misinformation is also a money maker? Fact is, Big Misinfo is a profit-making leviathan. It breaches in both physical and online communities, all tangled upContinue Reading

SD&G OPP CHARGE SOUTH STORMONT MAN WITH ASSAULT (SOUTH STORMONT, ON) – On March 25, 2019, shortly after midnight, Stormont Dundas & Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers responded to a report of assault incident in South Stormont Township. The investigation revealed that an adult was alleged to have assaulted hisContinue Reading

A social media page created for those concerned about the safety of what happened to a four year old child in Cornwall has announced a peaceful protest for noon today at the CAS offices on Boundary Road. Protesters have been warned by organizers to keep it real or police wouldContinue Reading

Ugh, what a horrible and sad story to write. Death is something that shatters so many lives. It’s part of life. None of us escape it. Sadly one of the few services in Cornwall and SD&G announced that it’s shutting down barring an angel of support after its latest fundraiserContinue Reading

It’s amazing how politics work. There are the kool aid drinkers, the partisans, and then the slim amount of folk that will actually listen and read what is being said before making a decision where to park their vote. With Justin Trudeau fighting for his political life because of theContinue Reading