2.8 Million Ciggies burnt in Van St. Andrews West firefighters appeared on scene to extinguish the blaze, but also found the van was filled with cardboard boxes of cigarettes. Deputy Fire Chief Paul Wheeler could not comment on the nature of the fire because of the OPP investigation. Farmer’s MarketContinue Reading

This just in from Paul Aubin: Hi everyone. Pride/Fierté Cornwall’s 2009 Spring Fling is set for Friday, May 29th at 9:00 pm. Yes, you read that right – it’s on a Friday night, not a Saturday. Another change is that we’ve lowered the admission price to a recession busting $5.00.Continue Reading

Looks like SCM will be growing which is good for local employees!  L I N K Dan Gabbard, president of SCM, added, “We strive to identify efficiencies that contribute to Walmart’s bottom line, so it can continue to serve millions of Canadians and grow its business.” please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

FLU BASICS An adult can begin spreading the flu virus one day before and three to seven days after symptoms show, and children can remain contagious even longer. Some infected individuals show no symptoms, yet they can still spread the virus to others. The flu is sometimes confused with theContinue Reading

2 Killed in Long Sault Crash Sunday Morning Car Crashes into Pole Saturnday Morning Riverside Biz to be LEGALLY open for Holidays Long Hot Summer predicted for Cornwall How much will Cornwall Pay to help Andre Lapointe Sell Brookshell Site? 86400 WEBSITEContinue Reading