Queen’s Park ON – Pat Finucan may be fairly new to politics as a candidate, but he didn’t hesitate to speak with protesters Thursday May 19th. The protest was over high fuel and car insurance prices; something that many here in Ontario can sympathize with! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3563lnlvwI So viewers of TheContinue Reading

Dear Editor, In a Letter to the Editor of Saskatchewan’s Cabinet Minister, GERRY RITZ, in his opening paragraph states “The election mandate we received on May 2 is a vote for staying focused on the economy and a vote for stability.” He ends with the sentence “Residents can continue toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Au moment où la collecte de données dans le cadre du recensement de 2011 bat son plein, l’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) rappelle l’importance de participer à cet exercice de statistique et de répondre fidèlement aux questions. « Le recensement apporte de précieux renseignements quiContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – By a stroke of luck I found myself with a pair of Gordon Lightfoot concert tickets for the Ontario leg of his Canadian Tour schedule in Cornwall Ontario. . Consequently I found myself at the Cornwall Civic Complex with a Lightfoot friend/fan waiting for the Legendary CanadianContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Jim Brownell’s shoes will be very hard to fill, but June 13th, 2011 that’s exactly what the Liberals of Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry will be doing as they’ve announced that they will be choosing a new candidate at the Cornwall Civic Complex starting at 7 PMContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – As MPP Jim Brownell’s career in elected office comes to an end he took a mighty step forward and enjoyed the moment as his private member’s bill, 185 came to be at Queen’s Park May 19, 2011. Bill 185 recognizes September 28 as a day of recognitionContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – L’école secondaire publique L’Héritage a récemment implanté dans son école un nouveau programme environnemental : le Programme ISO 14000 pour les élèves.C’est un programme éducatif exclusif au Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO). Qu’est-ce que le Programme ISO 14000 pour les élèves? Ce programme éducatif sensibiliseContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So I’m moving.     I of course need internet and after dealing with both Bell Internet and Cogeco can tell you we really need to allow more competition. Cogeco’s internet product by far is the best here in Cornwall Ontario and I called them today toContinue Reading

Toronto ON – Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak announced that a PC government would provide immediate relief for families and seniors facing rising energy costs by removing the HST from home hydro and heating bills, and removing the debt retirement charge from home hydro bills. Click HERE to listenContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Kin Family of Cornwall invites you to take part in a very special event, the Portraits of Honour National Tour at the Cornwall Armories.   The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Cornwall announced today that Cornwall  has been selected as one of the first stops on theContinue Reading

CFN – Exactly what type of background checks and vetting did the NDP do for their candidates? It is no secret that political parties insist that prospective candidates fill out lengthy application forms when an individual expects to run for the party. These forms are quite detailed, often several pagesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- If the Boston Bruins break they Stanley Cup drought it’s going to chiefly be on the back of their goalie Tim Thomas. Thomas shut out the high octane Tampa offense 2-0 stopping all 31 Lightning shots on goal. What was impressive about the Boston victory is that Tampa’sContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –L’école élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay, à Cornwall, aura une nouvelle cour d’école le 25 juin 2011. Ce projet scolaire verra le jour grâce à la grande générosité de la Fondation canadienne Let Them Be Kids. Cette dernière doublera les fonds amassés jusqu’à la date ultime. En plus, ils construiront lesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Voici le nouveau CA du Club des aînés Sainte-Thérèse, à Cornwall. 1ère rangée (de gauche à droite) : Thérèse Tailleur (présidente), Bernice Ouellette (conseillère) et Jeannine Bourassa (vice-présidente). 2e rangée : (de gauche à droite) : Léo Vallée (conseiller), et Laurent Boulerice (trésorier). Absent(es) de la photoContinue Reading

  Cornwall ON – Les écoliers de l’école élémentaire catholique Saint-Gabriel, à Cornwall, ont amassé 1 450$ le 5 mai lors de leur activité : Sautons en coeur. Tous les fonds iront à la Fondation canadienne du cœur. D’ailleurs, ils ont doublé leur objectif de levée de fonds! Les élèves ontContinue Reading