A few weeks ago, 2-doctors appeared before Cornwall City Council urging that the city continue to fluoridate the municipal water. The fluoridation compound is hydrofluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) that is a by-product from fertilizer manufacturing plants. It includes a breakdown product known as orthosilicic acid that is known to leach lead fromContinue Reading

January 8, 2013 Greetings: At a recent special public meeting regarding the sale of the Cornwall General Hospital, the message was clear that we should be using this opportunity to help seniors that are dealing with long term care and accessible housing issues.   A person could wait up toContinue Reading

In response to: “Three minor crashes on same stretch of highway” http://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/2012/12/08/three-minor-crashes-on-same-stretch-of-highway On Saturday, Dec. 8, it was reported that three separate crashes occurred on the same section of freeway near St. Catherines during wet road conditions. The limit on that stretch drops to 80 from 100 km/h to warnContinue Reading

Time to remove emotion, and fix this? It is up to you to get politicians involved! Graham Frasier, our federal official languages Commissioner has teamed up with Ontario’s French language Commissioner, Francois Boileau to”maximize support of their respective citizens and francophone communities”. By allowing “both agencies to share information aboutContinue Reading

My fellow citizens of Cornwall I am appalled to hear that the Cornwall General Hospital is to be sold from under our nose, with no discussion with the public. The citizens of our city, through our taxes and fund raiser have bought this hospital many times over. Selling this hospitalContinue Reading

The purpose of this Bill is to require unions to make their finances public, including assets, liabilities, and expenses. Unions already provide this information to their members through financial audits, reports, and regular membership meetings. The reality is C-377 could result in costly legal challenges. The Canadian Bar Association, theContinue Reading

During the regular meeting of Monday December 10, Cornwall City Council voted to defer making a decision on the future of adding flouride to the city’s municipal water. Councillor Bernadette Clement has asked for more information about hydrofluorosilic acid, the compund that is added to the municipal water. She also queriedContinue Reading

The Ongoing Discussion re a University at Cornwall While a discussion is underway to investigate the possible establishment of a university at Cornwall, the idea of a establishing such an institution at Cornwall dates back over several decades. Beginning during the 1970’s, the University of Ottawa operated a satellite campusContinue Reading

Re:  Canadian ‘debt clock’ passes $600 billion mark http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canadian-debt-clock-passes-600-billion-mark-1.1052931 According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), the federal debt works out to $17,200 for every person in the country.  But that $600 billion foregone by the government is now in the hands of the private sector, and if you divideContinue Reading

Lisa MacLeod, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Education Critic released a self-serving letter today about her party’s support of the government in their attack on education workers.  The following is my response: Lisa, that was an interesting and profoundly dishonestly self-serving letter .  I don’t think too many people in theContinue Reading