Two weeks after the May 2 federal election, Stephen Harper appointed three defeated Conservative candidates to the Senate on the sly: former intergovernmental affairs minister Josée Verner, Larry Smith and Fabian Manning. They were all rejected by the voters, and yet were called upon – against the public’s will –Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – What is Neo-liberalism? Neo-liberalism is a term used to describe a range of policies and an economic philosophy that stresses international free trade, economic liberalism (more commonly referred to as radical capitalism) and the promotion of such through deregulation of the economy,privatization of industry, liberalization of markets,Continue Reading

Ottawa ON – It was interesting to hear that Layton has decided to clean up parliament by ending heckling from the NDP benches. Unfortunately he ignored Conservative MP Michael Chong’s other recommendations which would certainly have gone a lot further and dramatically changed the tone in the House. Heckling isContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Deux semaines à peine après leurs défaites, Maître Harper nomme en catimini (après la conférence de presse) trois candidats conservateurs défaits aux élections fédérales du 2 mai 2011 au Sénat. . Il nomme l’ancienne ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales, Josée Verner, défaite dans la région de Québec, LarryContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Many exciting things are happening in Cornwall, Ontario.  Although the events I will be speaking of are in this neck of the woods I encourage all of our readers to read on as activities like these are available in your community and if you find they areContinue Reading

Dear Editor, In a Letter to the Editor of Saskatchewan’s Cabinet Minister, GERRY RITZ, in his opening paragraph states “The election mandate we received on May 2 is a vote for staying focused on the economy and a vote for stability.” He ends with the sentence “Residents can continue toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So I’m moving.     I of course need internet and after dealing with both Bell Internet and Cogeco can tell you we really need to allow more competition. Cogeco’s internet product by far is the best here in Cornwall Ontario and I called them today toContinue Reading

CFN – Exactly what type of background checks and vetting did the NDP do for their candidates? It is no secret that political parties insist that prospective candidates fill out lengthy application forms when an individual expects to run for the party. These forms are quite detailed, often several pagesContinue Reading

In the wake of the disastrous floods in the provinces of Manitoba and Québec, one of the first things Parliament should do when it begins sitting is to work towards developing a new and effective national flood strategy. Development of such a strategy is of great importance because a vastContinue Reading