Cornwall ON – Fire can catch quickly.   Being a former fire fighter Mark MacDonald may know about that more than his rivals for mayor of Cornwall Ontario. Last night the results of his spaghetti fund raiser surprised even himself as the Knights of Columbus Hall was packed to capacityContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Gary W. Samler is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser Friday September 24th at the Army Navy Club at the corner of Montreal Road and Marlborough in Cornwall Ontario from 4-8 PM!   For more information about Gary and his campaign click either banner to go toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Cornwall and District Labour Council has given its endorsement to Bob Kilger as Mayor of Cornwall Ontario.  The group also endorsed for city council; Jason Setnyk,  Andre Rivette, Bernadette Clement, Elaine MacDonald (Pictured above with Mayor Kilger and Ray Beauregard) and Madelaine LeBrun. The Labour CouncilContinue Reading

I am directing my comments to Ignatieff, the leader of the Liberals who issued an ultimatum to his M.P’s as stated on C.B.C. T.V .Vote along party lines regarding the long gun registry or suffer the consequences.Jack the whiner Layton is running a close second by allowing his M.P’s toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We all can sleep a bit better tonight as the Long Gun Registry has lived another day thanks to a squeaker of a vote today in Parliament. Every MP showed up for the 153 – 151 vote.    Sadly this issue isn’t quite dead.  It’s not aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Join us on on Tuesday October 19th at 10 AM as we host our Mayoralty debate! Listen to all three candidates for Mayor as they answer questions that impact all of us during this busy municipal election season. Cornwall incumbent, Mayor Robert “Bob” Kilger will faceContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Ontario is helping adult learners in Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry upgrade their literacy skills. Through support from Ontario’s Literacy and Basic Skills Program, three organizations in the region are preparing learners for jobs through a number of initiatives, such as academic upgrading, computer training and high school creditContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The much anticipated question period rematch between the opposition parties and the government ended up being a pretty dull affair. The Prime Minister not only looked bored part way through it, but he had very little ducking and weaving to do to avoid the blows of oppositionContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Tuesday mornings at 9:00AM EST is Political Round Table time with pundits Joe Gunn & Denis Sabourin.  At 9:45 Keith Beardsley weighs in with his View from the Hill and starting this week until municipal elections are over we’re having Council Debates starting at 10:15. Up toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We at the Cornwall Free News are committed to strong government whether it be municipal, provincial or federal. As part of our service to you we will be profiling as many of the candidates that time allows. These profiles will include information from the candidates, and fromContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Gary W. Samler is having a Spaghetti Supper Fund Raiser for his upcoming election campaign. WHO:  Gary W. Samler WHAT: Campaign Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner WHEN: Friday, Sept. 24th, /10  4:00- 8:00 pm. WHERE: ANAF Club, 14 Marlborough St. (at Montreal Road) WHY: Campaigns Cost Money HOW: $5.00Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – The internet age is hitting Cornwall Ontario this municipal election.   Actually it’s hitting  a lot of places.   You see politicians having their own websites, facebook pages, and advertising in places that they’ve never done so before. It’s all about getting their message out and communicatingContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Tuesday will be our first LIVE debates for City Councilors on What questions would you like asked to the candidates? There are some interesting areas of discussion already around the coffee houses in Cornwall. The bridge, growing Cornwall, high taxes, jobs, life and culture, the waterfront.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Mark A MacDonald launched his campaign office earlier this week.   Over 100 people munched on burgers and dogs; listened to music, and the city councilor’s message as his campaign went into action on Montreal Road. Mr. MacDonald from his office. httpv:// Councilor MacDonald is supported byContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Liberal strategy for the fall session of parliament is certainly interesting. Despite their spin, the decision to keep their leader out of the House of Commons and out of question period means they have decided he can’t stand up to Harper in there. Ignatieff is a decentContinue Reading