The problem with Canada’s democracy is that MPs (and MMPs) like Guy Lauzon are neither responsible to the voters in their riding nor elected by them. That’s because of our outdated first past the post voting system which confuses the party with candidate. Many voters vote for the party, orContinue Reading

Liberal Critic, Critiques Bridge Issue  Since late last spring Cornwall residence and businesses have been victimized by the ongoing border dispute. This issue was ignited when the Government of Canada decided to arm all of its border guards. The Cornwall Port of Entry is the only border crossing in thisContinue Reading

Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak Speaks with Small Businesses in Cornwall NEWS: Cornwall, ON – Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak today met with local small business leaders in Cornwall to solicit input on the steps they would like to see to encourage economic recovery in Ontario. Hudak continues to travelContinue Reading

The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry federal and provincial NDP riding associations invite you to attend their annual general meeting on Tuesday, February 9th. The gathering will be held at the Navy Veterans Association, 30 Sixth Street East, Cornwall, and will begin at 7:00 pm. The agenda will include: the election members toContinue Reading

Government of Ontario Hands out Tens of Thousands in Funding by Markus Noé Cornwall Ontario – Nearly $500,000 in funding was given to local not-for-profit organizations throughout the community. This is a part of the 50 million dollar investment that the government of Ontario is making to support capital projectsContinue Reading

Liberals and NDP at Work Cornwall Ontario – Both the Liberal’s and NDP’s have followed through on their promise to continue working despite Parliament being prorogued. Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton held press conferences today in front of the locked doors of Parliament while surrounded by their team of MP’s.Continue Reading

Cornwall Ontario City Councilor Glen Grant had a very busy night.     Championing the dog park and being one of the three councilors that spearheaded opting out of the Glen Stor Lodge Pharmacy contract. httpv:// Councilor Hug I think hit the nail on the head on one major point.Continue Reading

It should be a very busy evening as people will be showing up to support the creation of a dog park within Cornwall Ontario’s boundaries.   From the reports coming to this desk the city seems reticent to support a facility within the confines of our city; especially anywhere nearContinue Reading

If public opinion actually counted at any time other than election day Parliament would be open for business today. Prorogation is a device that is usually intended to expedite or close a house; not a shield from the elected representatives of Canada. Cornwall City Councilor and Liberal Riding Candidate meetsContinue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – Life Trends – Facts and Figures That Matter To You – November EI claims up in Cornwall. Not good news for the Cornwall region, but it could be worse. This morning, Statistics Canada released the number of people receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits. For Canada as a whole, aboutContinue Reading

Here are your quick hits for Monday January 25, 2010 Stray Dogs Evolving Intelligence in Moscow Subway System Red Bull & Nasa Team Up to Drop Man from 120,000-Free Fall (See the video) Soldiers Iron Man Suits Getting Extra Juice httpv:// Hot High Mileage Cars Coming to North America IsContinue Reading

Friends of the Port have apparently disbanded.  The group, formed to help save the Port Theatre from the wrecking ball has made an announcement on their facebook page. “FOTP Message Part 1 of 2. Important Message from Friends of the Port!  At a recent meeting of the Friends of theContinue Reading

Geez we get an awful lot of emails and comments about us not liking Stephen Harper, Guy Lauzon, or the Conservative Party of Canada.  We get called a “Liberal Rag”, a “NDP Voice” , and a reusable “Green Party of Canada” cloth. The fact is that the “Free” in TheContinue Reading

(picture above courtesy of Patrique Brisson) Thousands Gather On Parliament Hill to Protest Ottawa Ontario – Rallies in 50 cities and 4 countries were held today in protest against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s prorogation of Parliament. MPs were expected to be back at work this upcoming Monday after a holidayContinue Reading

NDP Candidate for SD&SG Darlene Jalbert will be attending the Rally; Saturday January 23, in Ottawa. She’ll be making the journey to Parliament Hill from Cornwall Ontario as will many area residents. There are over 200,000 people signed up for the facebook page against proroguing.  Meanwhile Conservative MP Helena Guergis suggestsContinue Reading

I’m a huge believer in “Spend Locally, Shop Locally, Advertise Locally” and really think that it’s important to keep the dollars in our community where we can.  It’s not always possible, but I try and always encourage others to as well. Recently, after many years, local pharmacy chain Medical Arts lostContinue Reading