CFN  – With some six weeks to go before MPs break for the Christmas holidays their focus remains on whether the Conservative nominee for the position of Auditor General has a level A, B or C proficiency in the French language. The Conservatives have chosen Michael Ferguson who’s French isContinue Reading

CFN – Canadian consumers are growing increasingly frustrated that we pay more than our American neighbours for the same products even though our dollar is comparable to the US dollar. The problem for the Harper government is how do you contain that frustration and prevent it from turning into anger,Continue Reading

CFN – Canadians remember the discussion that Jack Layton initiated on improving decorum and civility in the House. It was a concept that all of the party leaders supported. Here are a few examples of the leader’s comments. Jack Layton “New Democrats have committed to work respectfully, to end hecklingContinue Reading

CFN – For the last couple of days Canadians have been treated to our MPs performance in Question Period. So far it hasn’t produced too many surprises. For the most part the opposition parties went where expected. There were several relevant questions on the economy, a few on Air Canada,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON –Provincial Liberal Candidate Mark MacDonald has some big shoes to fill, now that current MPP Jim Brownell is retiring. Although he has been campaigning for a while now, with the official opening of the Liberal campaign office on Pitt and Seventh in Cornwall, the campaign is now inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – This weekend will see a meeting of Canada’s Federal, Provincial and Territorial Energy ministers, hosted by the Province of Alberta and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. The meeting is expected to cost about $600,000 – significantly more than it needs, as much of it will takeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Après deux ans de travail, Sierra Planning and Management et la Commission de formation de l’Est ontarien ont dévoilé aux membres du Conseil municipal de Cornwall et au public le nouveau Plan culturel de Cornwall/SDG. Une cinquantaine d’artistes, de représentants d’organismes, et de citoyens de la régionContinue Reading

CFN – Teens are getting a lot of mixed messages about marijuana these days. At school, the teachers, cops, and so called “experts” come in and tell them that marijuana is addictive, that it causes cancer, brain damage, and mental illness, and that the use thereof will inevitably lead toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Two very interesting reports have completed recently.    The first was the TOP report or 2011 Trends, Opportunities and Priorities Report which focuses on SD&SG, Cornwall, and Prescott Russell and covers an awful lot of ground.   It’s insightful and you can get a real snap shot ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Des équipes de Cornwall Gravel Company ont commencé le 9 juin dernier à travailler sur le prolongement d’Industrial Park Drive jusqu’à la rue Tenth,  dans le Parc d’affaires de Cornwall. Le projet de 4M$ facilitera l’entretien et le développement d’environ 300 acres dans le Parc d’affaires. « Ce projet contribuera àContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  In what has been one of the least possible surprising announcements, Cornwall Ontario City councilor Elaine MacDonald announced today that she will be seeking the NDP provincial nomination for the SD&SG Ontario riding. Currently Jim McDonell is the Progressive Conservative candidate while the Liberals decide on theirContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Dans le cadre du premier séjour exploratoire, Place aux jeunes Ontario-SDG (PAJ Ontario-SDG) invite les compagnies et les organismes à son 5 à 7 des employeurs et des jeunes diplômés postsecondaires bilingues qui se déroulera ce vendredi le 13 mai 2011, au restaurant Au Vieux Duluth, à Cornwall.  Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Le gouvernement de l’Ontario délaisse les radios communautaires francophones en Ontario depuis 1995. C’est ce qui est ressorti de la nouvelle étude Étude sur les radios communautaires francophones de l’Ontario : Éléments clés de la vitalité des communautés du Commissariat aux services en français. L’analyse a été publiée parContinue Reading

According to various environmental organisations, the BC Government is not going far enough with its proposed health study into the impacts of the oil and gas industry in the province. A Globe and Mail story quotes a BC Ministry of Health Spokesman as saying the government is “working on aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Ce film québécois raconte l’histoire de Jeanne et Simon Marwan, des jumeaux, qui remonteront le fil de l’histoire de leur mère, Nawal. D’abord, le notaire Lebel remet à ceux-ci deux enveloppes, l’une destinée à un père qu’ils croyaient mort et l’autre à un frère dont ils ignoraientContinue Reading