When you work as many hours a day as I do during a crisis nothing makes your afternoon more than an apparent ignorant person spouting falsehoods thinking that you owe her time to defend her abuse. The story she is referencing is our story which drew large traffic after allegationsContinue Reading

Mamma Mia where is our mayor and her social media post writer? Flipper Clement makes a lot of noise, but she has failed this community during this crisis. First there was the NAVCANADA fiasco, and then her perpetual petty unprofessional attack on CFN viewers by refusing to issue information toContinue Reading

We live in a community that sadly discounts truth and integrity. Where terms like “fake news” get bandied around by people that truly have no understanding of news or how news works. Some of whom get elected to office. If you live in a community with little accountability this isContinue Reading

Just before Halloween, when it was announced that city council is shelling out $45,000. to sweeten the launch of a local naturopath’s ‘medical clinic,’ some people couldn’t help but wonder if the “treat” is some sort of a trick. Like many communities across Canada, Cornwall has a recruitment plan and isContinue Reading

One of the most frustrating thing about dealing with the political corruption in Cornwall is we are kept from basic public resources that our taxes pay for. Specifically the Eastern Ontario Health Unit does not provide or respond to requests from this, the largest newspaper in Cornwall, about important healthContinue Reading

Ontario can no longer claim the shortest median wait time for medically necessary treatment in Canada, with patients in the province waiting an estimated 15.7 weeks (on average) in 2018, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. Saskatchewan’s wait timeContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  It’s very hard to be a good liar.   Keeping up a false veneer takes a lot of stamina and skill.  People like Cornwall City Councilor Bernadette Clement ultimately fail and badly.   While Councilor Clement likes to come across as sweetness and light with bountiful positivity more andContinue Reading

February will be the tenth anniversary of this newspaper.   That’s a long time and a lot of hard work. It’s resulted in over 1 million human pageviews monthly.      LINK Sadly, CFN never became the creative fount of positivity I envisioned when I started this venture in February of 2009. Continue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  Some irate taxpayers in Cornwall were offended when they read that the Bank of Montreal just sent a big bag of cash over to the Winchester Hospital instead of CCH, especially as Cornwall just bought it’s old empty BMO building on Pitt Street,  in need of millionsContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – A weak council has essentially allowed runaway management raises and hirings, labour unrest, a record budget increase, and general communication breakdowns with media outlets including this one. This month alone we have had to deal with a new public information officer not having CFN on her mediaContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  Running for office isn’t the only way to help a community.  For many it’s a vain ego thing.  I just turned down a new provincial party looking for a local candidate.   Looking around the table here in Council there really are only 1 or 2 that trulyContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  Call it a Million Dollar Solution!    Even CUPE knows that Cornwall is in a budget crisis, but sometimes you need dramatic solutions to dramatic problems. You can’t blame city workers and their union for trying to improve their lot.  It’s part of what they do. TheContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  It can be bewildering sitting in a council meeting in Cornwall.  Monday night was first one in about three years, but more about that in a later editorial. Monday night we were treated to a presentation of information from Transport Canada that any journalist or city stafferContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Poor Hugo Rodrigues.   I say that in jest.  The former President of the Canadian Association of Journalism spewed a rant over our pathetic Ministry of Culture, Melanie Joly’s, new whatchamacalit thingy where essentially the biggest gloat was Netflix spending $500M creating content in Canada.  Nothing against Netflix,Continue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Ed Lauzon recently treated the residents of Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence and their friends to a wonderful concert. His son, Ed. Jr accompanied him which made it even more enjoyable. It was a fun filled evening of listening,   singing and in some cases, dancing toContinue Reading