CFN – CFN would like to clarify the status of our 100 Letter campaign.  Contrary to some rumors we are not cancelling it due to sabotage from members of Cornwall’s management and elected officials.     We have had to delay the official roll out of our campaign due toContinue Reading

CFN –   Odd how long some retractions take, this one after Clause McIntosh of the Freeholder completely trashed two well respected people during the waterfront public consultation. LINK  in reference to a Cornwall waterfront committee meeting, it was reported that a “local lawyer” accused two members of the committee, GuyContinue Reading

CFN – Wow!  We made it!  CFN turned four today.   It’s a real test for small business to survive.    There are so many people I’d like to thank.   Our viewers are always number one.   Our sponsors without whose support CFN could not survive. My minority shareContinue Reading

An Industrial Furniture Revolution! Have you ever walked into someone’s home and your eyes instantly go to a unique repurposed coffee table? Or perhaps you have been heartbroken to hear  that your neighbour’s beautiful mid-century industrial writing desk was a one of-a-kind treasure found at an estate sale? . Cornwall’sContinue Reading

CFN –   The coalition that’s working to save Cornwall General Hospital have petitioned Councilor Rivette to bring Council on board.   Councillor Andre Rivette City of Cornwall   RE: LOCAL TASK FORCE Greetings Councillor Rivette:   At a recent meeting of the Concerned Citizens Coalition the following motion receivedContinue Reading

  CFN – As I traveled around making deliveries today I was struck by all the negative news and comments from people. Suspicions of community leader’s motives, disturbing social media postings and anonymous threats, international news of violence and, of course, complaints about the weather seemed to follow me everywhere.  It wasContinue Reading

CFN – More than150 people packed the Cornwall Art Gallery last night. Yet for many of us, the sound of their mingling was immediately muted by the almost audible lamentations Renée Lalande’s paintings evoke. In fact within seconds after stepping through the door, it was as if there were onlyContinue Reading