Editor’s Note. Congrats to a very special lady who just wrote her 150th column on CFN. She doesn’t get enough thanks and credit from City Hall and community leaders for this amazing and selfless historical body of work she’s created here on CFN! Thank you Dawn and here’s to theContinue Reading

This has been a busy week with Christians getting ready to celebrate Easter and our Jewish Friends celebrating Passover. Stores had been stocked for many weeks with Easter eggs and bunnies – all ready for our Easter Bunny to deliver. Exciting morning for kids. I remember years ago when IContinue Reading

April is Daffodil month for the Canadian Cancer Society. Please buy and wear the Daffodil which helps fund their research, support and advocacy programs. Call 613- 932-1283 in Cornwall for more information. The Canadian Cancer Society would probably be grateful for volunteers also. Here is an old photo from theContinue Reading

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals were given to 14 very deserving individuals on July 19th, 2012. I found the program for the evening recently. Awarded were Gerry Benson, Vera Joyce, Gail Kaneb, Hugh A. MacDougall, Don Mitchell, Susan Rainey, Onagh Ross, William Shearing, Gary Stokes, Lorne Strader, StanContinue Reading

Black and white TV and rabbit ears!! Those were the days of great comedy , westerns and other shows , all suitable for family viewing. None of the shows had any vulgarity so all the family could spread the rabbit ears as far as they would go and watch ourContinue Reading

The Optimist Creed is very inspiring. I happened to come across a copy of it recently in some papers. We are fortunate in Cornwall to have a local Optimist Club which was chartered in 1948. According to their web site, the late Norm Ross was the chapter President. There wereContinue Reading

We lost the Brookdale Mall some years ago. I loved the Miss Cornwall Restaurant and it was also handy to have a movie theatre in the same mall. Recently we lost the Eastcourt Mall which was another nice mall but, like the Brookdale Mall area, there are still lots ofContinue Reading