My year at TAG Cornwall has been eye opening and interesting.   I’ve discovered a passion for painting.  I’ve seen the good and bad in our local artists.   I’ve listened to a lot of people.  I’ve helped a lot of people.  I’ve also had to say no to someContinue Reading

While many know John Lester, formerly of JL Computers as a guru of sorts in Cornwall; he’s also an avid photographer. Some of his work hangs currently in TAG Cornwall, the city’s public art gallery that is on the precipice of closing. A meeting has been called for Tuesday FebruaryContinue Reading

The problem with media is that sometimes, really bad journalists with really poor integrity can take innocent bits of an answer and build a perspective that creates an entirely different meaning. Today the Seaway News issued yet another hatchet job against TAG Cornwall, the city’s 34 year old public artContinue Reading

It’s odd.  We live in a City where we pay large salaries to city staff and managers and then elect a mayor and council to lead. They then dump off decisions to even more pricey consultants.  Does this make any sense?  Maybe we shouldn’t have staff and managers and justContinue Reading