CFN –   As someone who has been up to his eyeballs in pot activism for 9 years, I would classify this Liberal vote to legalize pot as a bamboozle. The delegates did the right thing, and should be commended for their hard work, but the party will likely notContinue Reading

CFN – So I’m not seeing it yet.   This weekend’s Federal Liberal caucus probably drew more people than the Conservatives and NDP combined. That isn’t necessarily what future government’s are made of; especially if you’re hoping to make up the next one by the time Mr. Harper is doneContinue Reading

CFN– The Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall & Area are once again preparing for their annual Conference and Business Show to be held on Thursday February 23rd, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Best Western Inn and Conference Centre. Women of all ages and from all walks of life areContinue Reading

Liberal Party is alive and well. I just returned from the biennial convention of the Liberal Party of Canada. To friends and foes, I share this eye-witness account: the Liberal Party of Canada is alive and well. Recent speculation that the Liberal Party is dead or irrelevant is premature andContinue Reading

CFN – It’s a great time to visit Pommier Jewellers on 6 Second Street East in Downtown Cornwall Ontario! They currently have Complimentary sizing on all Pommier purchases from 2011 and 2012! Get the service and care that you can only get from a family run tradition! Pommier Jewellers, yourContinue Reading

CFN – We apologize for being late in publishing this letter to the Editor. Dear Taxpayer Over the weekend Montreal area residents were upset and protested in the streets over a unilingual hockey coach, the media and fans have been at this constantly since mid December. We have Canada’s LanguageContinue Reading

CFN – This movie is dark, distasteful and great. I have not read the books, and as an opening I will also mention that this review shall hold barely a Synopsis. Instead of a detail overview of what happened in this movie I shall give a brief overview. Because IContinue Reading