SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE               Cornwall, ON-The Cornwall Community Police Service currently have a section of the City cordoned off as a result of an incident in which a suspicious package was found. As a result the area of Bergeron Lane commonly known as the “RATS NEST” and the Cotton Mill areaContinue Reading

CFN – In light of the footloose five who were allegedly fired by the city of Cornwall we did a little sniffing.   While the city is still under it’s own leaky Cone of Silence questions are being asked now about all staff who potentially could have “stolen time” fromContinue Reading

CFN – Is history repeating itself? I would bet Prime Minister Harper certainly hopes it doesn’t, at least not while he is the Prime Minister. Back in February of 2004, then Auditor General Sheila Fraser brought in a report that kicked off what would eventually become known as the sponsorshipContinue Reading

CFN – The Ottawa Police Service Drug Unit, in partnership with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Ottawa Fire Services and the Canada Border Services Agency, recently completed a three month drug project dubbed project “Power Plant”.   The drug project specifically targeted marihuana grow operations and marihuana traffickers in theContinue Reading

Perhaps you heard the Conservative party advertisement on our local radio stations, If not (and I’d be very surprised if you didn’t here in Lauzonville) then you have heard or seen Canada’s Economic Action Plan ‘adds’ ad nauseam on road signs, on radio and especially on TV. I hope thatContinue Reading

CFN – Councilor Bernadette Clement was the lone voice Monday night in supporting the city acquiring the former tourism and exchange bureau near the corner of 9th and Brookdale. I’ve written about this ideal property.  Yes it can be used as a  great location for Seaway Tourism, but as itContinue Reading

CFN – Local political buzz in Cornwall is whether all things are well in the Provincial Liberal riding association camp after none of the local Grit VIP’s were in attendance for Premier Kathleen Wynne’s visits to the River City including last candidate Mark A MacDonald or former MPP Jim Brownell.Continue Reading

CFN – It looks like the city of Cornwall Ontario may have set a record with 28 recommendations that will be reviewed at City Council tonight. LINK TO RECOMENDATIONS Full The Ontario Fire Marshall’s office has completed a review of the Cornwall Fire Service making twenty-eight recommendations that will beContinue Reading

CFN– South Stormont Township has made a pitch to R.W. Tomlinson for them to locate a Concrete plant that was rejected by Brockville Ontario on a property that they feel would meet the company’s criteria and is already zoned appropriately. South Stormont is always focused on bringing strong economic developmentContinue Reading

  Cornwall, ON- The Cornwall Community Police Service have received reports of  individuals identifying themselves as government employees needing to gain access into residences to confirm their furnaces are in compliance. These individuals can be persuasive and sometimes forceful claiming “it’s the law you need to let us in”. If youContinue Reading

CFN – What a difference a year makes.  When we started the Beavergate Protest we never expected that the devices placed in the Guindon Nature Park in Cornwall Ontario would have such dramatic results. Funded fully by Lesley Fox and her Fur Bearer Defenders organization the road to clearer watersContinue Reading