CFN – Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne was in Cornwall Ontario at a local Trucking firm that received funding to help create a few jobs. It’s the photo junket season with the Preme hopping from town to town pressing the flesh and meeting some of the community. She had a chanceContinue Reading

Jamie Gilcig

CFN – Pink Politics are again raging in the headlines.    This time the cause is the 2014 Winter Olympic games in Sochi Russia.   Because of new laws (horrible ones too) passed by Mr. Putin and his government in Russia activists like the witty and talented George Takei areContinue Reading

CFN – The PC party in Ontario is in a total conundrum.  Not since the Mike Harris days has the potential for control of Canada’s largest province been so close yet so far away. It’s enough of a conundrum that there is a growing movement to dump leader Tim Hudak.Continue Reading

CFN – A recent visit with a friend in Hamilton, Ontario opened my eyes to “POSSIBILITY”.  The possibility of growing flowers and food on my own front yard.  Many front yard vegetable gardens were sighted on my stroll through an older neighborhood.  Think of the possibilities this offers.  The possibilityContinue Reading

CFN – I get asked a lot if I will be running in the next municipal election here in Cornwall Ontario.    I have written that if somehow mayor Kilger survives politically and decides to run again I’d run against him as mayor, but not many think that the mayorContinue Reading

Justin Trudeau’s Policy Priority – Legalizing Marijuana   I usually don’t comment on the policy positions of other parties and their Members, but given the content of Justin Trudeau’s first policy announcement, I feel I must. I believe differences in opinion and policy are what democracy is all about. WhenContinue Reading

Even though we’ve had a rainy summer things have been hot at CFN!   We shattered our two month record for traffic with 121,157 Unique Visitors for June & July 2013! AUGUST IS THE LAST MONTH TO SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIVING AD at the SPECIAL RATE Call 613 361Continue Reading

Imagine walking into a Service Ontario location and being served. Now imagine sitting in a comfortable chair and having a voice/video link with a government office. Now imagine speaking in one of say 5 main languages with a real person just like at a counter. Using technology to help peopleContinue Reading

Multiculturism is great and should be included in the school curriculums; communities should also offer taining centers (whether instructor only or combined with training materials such as books and/or software based) in public libraries or other public centers. Real life skills and practical real world learning is essential in today’sContinue Reading

CFN –  Dr. Rob Kamermans of Coe Hill Ontario has become a Martyr to Medical Marijuana.   The Pony Tailed doctor’s path has led him to controversy and the pages of media such as the National Post and his locals. The breaking point is his simple concept of helping hisContinue Reading