CFN – What a tumultuous month May was; yet with a City Boycott, lawsuit, hatchet job during a media war from the Standard Freeholder, one outlet play games with Alexa locally,  and all the drama that follows, CFN set a new traffic record with 53,775 Unique Visitors for the monthContinue Reading

CFN – Rob Hickley is a very stressed out man.   The weight of being a Whistleblower has impacted his health.    After much deliberation he decided to grant an exclusive video interview to CFN. Please note that CFN did something we rarely do.  We have a short break inContinue Reading

CFN – Canadian Association of Retired Persons (C.A.R.P.), offers many benefits to its members. Founded more than 25 years ago, it is a non-profit non-partisan association for people 45+ of age. Their magazine, Zoomer, describes CARP as promoting and protecting the interests, rights and quality of life as this ageContinue Reading

CFN –  In a bizarre twist the City of Cornwall has engaged the assistance of St.Lawrence College for its current round of Strategic planning. Guess who’s the Chair of St. Lawrence College’s Board of Governors?   None other than former Cornwall CAO Paul Fitzpatrick. The same Paul Fitzpatrick that has theContinue Reading

CFN – Rob Ford is still mayor of Toronto, our largest city in Canada as of press time.   It’s been an interesting week for the mayor as he circles the wagons and staff member after staff member fall off either by firing or resignation. What we do know isContinue Reading