CFN – Rob Ford is still standing.  Short of any possible criminal charges stemming from the alleged Crack video and possible murder implications Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is not only still in the saddle, but seems to actually be galvanizing his support amongst what some are calling his “Ford Nation”Continue Reading

CFN – I admire politicians who are respectful, honest and principled. It doesn’t matter which party they represent or whether they are a simple backbencher or hold the highest position in the country. Nor does it matter if their position on an issue is the direct opposite of mine. IfContinue Reading

CFN –   It’s official.  While Deb Matthews refused to confirm our story yesterday today the Cornwall Community Hospital issued a release confirming the sale of the Cornwall General site. The province, in what City Councilor Andre Rivette speculated could be an election issue decided to take some short termContinue Reading

Re:  PM’s former chief of staff controlled secret Tory fund Bill C-377 currently before the Senate finance committee proposes that all union books be open to the public. Conservative proponent MP Russ Hiebert argues that labour organizations should not be worried if they have nothing to hide, and thatContinue Reading

Thérèse Brisebois’ commitment to volunteering extends over five decades. It began in the mid-1970s as she started visiting residents at the Bestview Nursing Home (now Heartwood) where her father resided, and it continues today in a number of locations, including the Glen Stor Dun Lodge. Mrs. Brisebois’ volunteer career atContinue Reading

CFN – Yesterday for the first time since CFN started in 2009 I truly felt like selling and moving on. The bad guys aren’t so much winning as I’m a little discouraged at how the good guys react to bad guys, and those that stand up to them. Covering WhistleblowersContinue Reading