Ontario Provincial Police News Portal [STORMONT DUNDAS and GLENGARRY] Male Arrested 2013-03-09 (South Dundas) – Members of the Ontario Provincial Police Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry assisted by ERT (emergency response unit) and TRU ( tactical response unit) arrested a male in relation to an early morning incident on Caldwell roadContinue Reading

The Not-So- Great Depression: Ministering to the Depressed CFN – We Christians have tended to avoid speaking openly about depression. We’re acquainted, through scripture, with downcast, weary, faint hearted, despairing and distressed. We can cope with discouraged, troubled or even broken hearted. These, we know. For these conditions, we haveContinue Reading

CFN – We’re getting closer to a decision on the Cornwall General Hospital facility.   Today is a meeting of  the hospital board and what is supposed to be closure. Mark A MacDonald, a former Councilor, and part of the Concerned Citizens Coalition sent an urgent email to City HallContinue Reading

Will  your company, service, or organization be one of our lucky next eight CFN sponsors? The next 8 sponsors to sign up with Eastern Ontario’s most read media will get the craziest and most insane advertising, marketing, and promotional packages we’ve ever offered! Skyscraper ads?  No problem.   Multiple fullContinue Reading

  Are we progressing or regressing? What the heck are we doing folks?  I attended a community gathering last week which was organized by one of our local non-profits; what I would describe as an environmental organization which featured speakers from another environmental organization.  I knew the talk would touchContinue Reading

CFN – Lawyer Fay Brunning released a stunning email this morning suggesting that the Cornwall’s Mayor’s conduct is illegal and that he in fact has not been cleared as his lawyer RULED of any issue at this point. Below is Ms Brunning’s email to media unedited. You have asked meContinue Reading