CFN – Do taxpayers in Cornwall really want their taxes to stop growing or gasp!  Shrink?   Watching council meetings over the budget and looking at the make up of council this scribbler isn’t so sure? Councilors MacDonald, Thibault, the Mayor and to varying degrees some of the other councilorsContinue Reading

Valentine’s Day is booking up fast at Dimitri’s Restaurant in Summerstown Ontario! Reserve your River View window table and enjoy some of Dimitri’s fine cuisine! To call for reservations dial 613 931 1919! Don’t you deserve a special romantic moment this year? You can also visit Dimitri’s on Facebook!Continue Reading

CFN – Bruce Hyer’s comments on the difficulties he faced when he wished to vote against the NDP’s position on the long gun registry highlights the difficulties and pressures felt by MPs when they vote against their party’s wishes. It was quite interesting to see that when a vote isContinue Reading

CFN – The meeting space at McConnell Manor was full in Cornwall Ontario as presentations and consultations took place.   Organized by Mark A Macdonald, former City Councilor and two high school students (Josh Welsh &Emily Ladoucer-MacDonald) The public was able to discuss the future of the old Cornwall General Hospital;Continue Reading

CFN – As was reported in the Ottawa Citizen and redistributed by Cornwall Free News on Thursday, January 24, incidences of Clostridium difficile infections are spiking in Ottawa-area hospitals. In this regard, Ottawa is not special. Cases of C.diff and Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) bacteria are rising across Canada. .Continue Reading

CFN – Alyssa Blais is s lovely woman.   Kinda smart, nice most times when she’s not under the influence of people like Gilles Latour, but she’s caught in the headlights as her patronage appointment to run the Agape Food Bank facility has led to crisis within the community. MsContinue Reading

CFN – It’s been a record setting month for your favorite  newspaper in Eastern Ontario!   CFN drew 1,779,374 page views. Sadly ad Agency Zenith Media doesn’t consider us a media outlet and said we don’t even appear on Alexa!    Yet another slight to your INTENSELY LOCAL Independent Newspaper whichContinue Reading

CFN – My learned colleague from the Standard Free Holder is parroting a few of our City Councilors about police services in Corwnall.  In particular how they need more money. Cornwall, like many communities has many challenged.    Chief Dan Parkinson and I sat down earlier this week and talkedContinue Reading

CFN – The Concerned Citizens Coalition will be holding another public meeting on Monday February 4, starting at 6:30 pm, at the McConnell Manor.  The purpose of the meeting will be to further the cause of making sure the General Hospital be used for the benefit of seniors in this area.Continue Reading