Cornwall ON – Bob Dylan sang “When you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose.”   So what is up with the new comments by disgraced Conservative former cab min and MP Maxime Bernier? Keith Beardsley quotes Mr. Bernier in his latest National Post story: Maxime Bernier’s latest speech in QuebecContinue Reading

What to do in Cornwall as Earth Day celebrates 40 years? Cornwall ON – April 22nd 2010 marks the 40th Anniversary of our celebration of Earth Day.  Looking at the site it asks us to ‘join the more than one billion people in 190 countries that are taking actionContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  Dr. Thorin Gault from Gault Family Chiropractic recently presented a cheque to the Project 2010 for $500.  The money was raised through the clinic’s recycled materials program. Pictured from Left: Dr. Thorin Gault, Gault Family Chiropractic and Terry Sylvester, Project 2010 Fundraising Committee. please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’ll be talking HST this afternoon on your community all request radio station live from Cornwall Ontario!   At 1PM we have Andrea Horwath, Provincial Leader of the NDP.    If you want to have your say on the HST you can call into the showContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Tobacco Wars are heating up as Giant Phillip Morris enters the fray.  The Owner of brands such as Marlboro is funding advertisements against Native Cigarettes which already are under fire as they are smuggled into Canada as well as areas in the US and impacting theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Real War on drugs takes place each and every day. It’s not cocaine; it’s not Mary Jane as one of our radio guests call it. It’s pharmaceuticals and the pressures from big drug companies on Medicare. Recently Ontario slashed the prices pharmacies are allowed to chargeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’d like to officially welcome our newest sponsors, Bicycle World located at 150 Pitt Street in Downtown Cornwall Ontario! Local owner Allan McGimpsey has been selling and servicing bikes regionally for over 20 years. From avid bikers to children just getting off training wheels, Bicycle World providesContinue Reading

Toronto ON – Coronation Street’s Antony Cotton (Sean Tully) and Katherine Kelly (Becky Granger McDonald) were in Toronto Ontario this weekend to promote and celebrate The British Isles Show. LINK There’s a nine-month lag between episodes airing in Britain and the ones we see here on CBC, and Kelly and CottonContinue Reading

(Winston Marley) Cornwall ON – What do you get when you mix some hot local music, a nice venue, a lot of hard work, and some great coffee and munchies?    Rock For Charity II which took place at Cafe Connectionz Friday April 16th! (Second Label) Four bands performed withContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Montreal fans wake up this morning devastated at losing 6-5 last night in OT t the Washington Capitals who figured out how to finally score against les boys, and Jaroslav Halak in particular. The Canadiens, a very long longshot stole game one due to heroics which continuedContinue Reading