Cornwall ON – So the emails started to arrive in the last two days and this afternoon the phone rang a few times confirming from staff that Olymel has laid off at least another 25 employees at their Cornwall plant and Ridgewood has announced a forced week off for mostContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Elizabeth May took a few moments to visit party faithful in Cornwall Ontario Friday April 8th on her way to her Democracy rally in Montreal. The Greens nationally and locally are facing a slew of challenges included being excluded from the National Televised Candidates debate to Mr.WalshContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- It’s showtime!   Saturday April 9, 2011 an event is going to take place.   The 2011 Mayor’s Spring Celebration of the Arts. Join Mayor Bob Kilger at Aultsville Theatre for a celebration of local talent! Concert followed by an Arts Reception and Silent Auction Hosted by well-knownContinue Reading

”Nouvelles en français avec David Grégoire” Cornwall ON – Douze élèves de l’école secondaire catholique La Citadelle ont visité le monde d’Ulysse et d’Homère, la Grèce, du 12 au 21 mars. Les participantes étaient accompagnées de Marie-Andrée Ouimet, enseignante et coordonnatrice des voyages en Europe, et d’Hélène Cormier, enseignante etContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – At least one Federal leader is visiting Cornwall Ontario during the election campaign.   Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada will have a whistle stop visit at approximately 10:45 AM Friday April 8th. Ms May is enroute to Montreal for a major rally forContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Les juges du concours Collectivités en fleurs auront un nouvel endroit à visiter cette année – le jardin de Bob et Carol Brown, sur la rue Dundas. Les Brown ont remporté le concours Collectivités en fleurs qui a duré 2 mois l’été dernier. Le grand prix était une sommeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – C’était la Journée des cheveux fous à l’école élémentaire catholique Ste-Thérèse, le 1er avril. . Les élèves se sont coiffés de façon bizarre afin d’amasser des fonds pour le Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l’est de l’Ontario (CHEO). Or, ils ont réussi à amasser 230$! Munis deContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The definition of culture is highly misunderstood and misused.  Many people confuse “culture” with “multiculturalism”, a term which means the appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place. Canada is the most multi-cultural country in the world, and theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The City of Cornwall provides residents with a special collection of leaf and yard waste two times a year, in the Spring and in the Fall. This Spring, the collection will take place over a four week period: April 11th to May 6th, 2011 The purpose ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – If it’s Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM EST it’s time for The Political Round Table with your host Jamie Gilcig and pundits Joe Gunn & Denis Sabourin. Catch up on what’s hot and right now what’s hot in Canada is our Federal Election! You never know who’llContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Canada Free News would like to welcome Mr. David Grégoire.   Mr. Grégoire will be our French Language contributor and you’ll see him cover a wide range of subjects en Français. David Grégoire is a freelance writer. He began his career in 2008 on the community radioContinue Reading