An Industrial Furniture Revolution! Have you ever walked into someone’s home and your eyes instantly go to a unique repurposed coffee table? Or perhaps you have been heartbroken to hear  that your neighbour’s beautiful mid-century industrial writing desk was a one of-a-kind treasure found at an estate sale? . Cornwall’sContinue Reading

  CFN – As I traveled around making deliveries today I was struck by all the negative news and comments from people. Suspicions of community leader’s motives, disturbing social media postings and anonymous threats, international news of violence and, of course, complaints about the weather seemed to follow me everywhere.  It wasContinue Reading

CFN – More than150 people packed the Cornwall Art Gallery last night. Yet for many of us, the sound of their mingling was immediately muted by the almost audible lamentations Renée Lalande’s paintings evoke. In fact within seconds after stepping through the door, it was as if there were onlyContinue Reading

Flowers Cornwall is your one stop shopping location for all your floral arrangement needs.  We have a large fresh flower cooler containing over twenty different varieties of roses and the largest assortment of fresh-cut flowers. Our selection includes tropical flowers from around the world, specialty roses (such as blue and multi-colouredContinue Reading

CFN – Do taxpayers in Cornwall really want their taxes to stop growing or gasp!  Shrink?   Watching council meetings over the budget and looking at the make up of council this scribbler isn’t so sure? Councilors MacDonald, Thibault, the Mayor and to varying degrees some of the other councilorsContinue Reading