To The Editors  And City councillors My wife and I have recently purchased e-bikes (power-assisted bicycles). We have traveled the waterfront bike trails for many years and this year being no exception regarding the many people walking dogs without leashes,people walking two and three abreast,bikes riding two abreast taking bothContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – On june 24th I found myself at Babylon’s in Ottawa waiting for a band to walk on stage. At approximately 9:25pm when The Dead Zone was done their first song, I had fallen in love with punk again.   The 2 opening bands, Black Market Candy and ForeContinue Reading

Dalkeith ON – The Dalkeith Historical Society gathers around the alter in St.Paul’s Chapel,Dalkeith for a photo op launching the “pick your own nose ” campaign that will be in the chapel for the All Day Bicentennial  Festival Saturday,July 23,2011 in Dalkeith. . The Icon Blue Nose magnate available forContinue Reading

  Cornwall ON – We recieved this from Sharyn Duffey of the local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. We recently celebrated a retirement; Peggy Ware retired after 22 years with the Canadian Cancer Society.  We also celebrated with the “Celebrating Youth Award” which was presented to Andre Theoret anContinue Reading

Chesterville ON – The Chesterville & District Agricultural Society is proud to present the 80th Annual Chesterville Fair, July 22nd to 24th.  This year’s fair is packed with entertainment at an incredible value for everybody, including agricultural displays, a thrilling midway, exciting shows, children’s entertainment, live music and much more!Continue Reading

Dear Editor, Canada is considering loaning millions to the National Transitional Council in Benghazi Libya. And Gadhafi is considered the ‘madman’???  What if the UN doesn’t give the order to unlock the accounts?  Oh right–the Canadian taxpayer would pick up the tab? I read that the rebels got medical suppliesContinue Reading

  Grâce à deux subventions du provincial et du fédéral, le Centre culturel de Cornwall a pris la belle initiative d’encourager les jeunes en embauchant deux étudiants pour l’été. Il s’agit de Christine Paquette, 29 ans, et Nicolas Marineau, 15 ans, tous deux de Cornwall.   Christine Paquette est AgenteContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  Some amazing stuff is sprouting in the Cornwall Ontario area and Kristine Pickens from the Cornwall Game Makers sent in the following.   “Video games have an interesting history. From the time of their invention in the 1940’s there was a lot of controversy over the assumedContinue Reading

CFN – Ontario is investing in improved sewer infrastructure in South Dundas to provide safe, reliable water and wastewater services for families. As part of South Dundas’ sewer rehabilitation the new project will include: Inspection Flow monitoring, and Foundation drain and sump pump connection surveys to help minimize leaks. This projectContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – A few days ago in Moncton, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo spoke about the need to repeal the Indian Act and abolish the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. In the national media there didn’t appear to be much disagreement with his position which is anContinue Reading

Ottawa ON  – Clients with mental health conditions are benefitting from a new and innovative program developed by the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group in partnership with the Champlain LHIN. The program focuses on recovery, helping people with a mental illness to get on with their lives after a hospitalizationContinue Reading

Cornwall ON-   It’s exciting whenever a new book or piece of art is created in Cornwall Ontario and local author Roy Berger has just released his latest opus; 2012 : Rabbits and the Happy Apocalypse on Shortwave Radio via Amazon Kindle!  You can click the book cover above toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON-   A front-page story in the Thursday, July 14 edition of the Standard-Freeholder portrayed a situation where a city resident has been waiting for three weeks for the City to issue a building permit for the construction of a wheelchair access ramp. As of this morning, the City has yet to receiveContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Jim Brownell, MPP for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry is hosting his 7th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, August 5th at Summerheights Golf Links. This tournament will be accepting 125 participants (first come first serve) for the golf and steak dinner. It is a wonderful opportunity toContinue Reading