Cornwall ON – Well we were all pleasantly surprised by how many people turned out of the first meeting of the Cornwall Cultural Committee Wednesday night at La Maison. Meeting Opening httpv:// The committee was founded spur of the moment on a radio segment on    Rod Rivette, JeffContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Melanie MacDonald of the General Electryk must be one tired woman!   With fellow band mate Angus enroute to Australia for their six month tour she managed to squeeze in one last solo gig at Schnitzels European Flavours last night. ( 158 Pitt Street in Cornwall OntarioContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Click the banner to listen to the Free For All Tonight.    Special guest this evening is Filmmaker, photographer and Artist Ian Thuillier from Dublin Ireland. Ian’s been a busy boy this year with two documentaries released. “2010 has seen Ian firmly establish himself as trusted directorContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – On Friday November 12th 2010 the ninth Rock for Charity was hosted at Cafe Connectionz. $230 was raised for the Boys and Girls Club, and over $2700 has been raised since Rock for Charity’s conception in March. There was a stellar line up Friday night with acousticContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The ninth Rock for Charity is this November 12th at Cafe Connectionz. The fundraisers organized and hosted by Jason Setnyk have raised $2500 for local charities and non profit groups since it’s conception earlier this year. This Friday see the musical talents of Kings Bishop, Colin AlexanderContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – And they had a dream.    Tonight on an idea was hatched and first steps were taken.    Rodney Rivette, Jeff Brunet, Jason Setynk and Jamie Gilcig put forth the willingness and desire to form an Arts Committee in Cornwall Ontario. The first meeting proposed willContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Funny man and actor Jason Stuart will be on tonight to open the radio show at 7:30 PM EST.    Jason recently wrote an essay that was picked up by many media outlets about Bullying in School, and teen suicide. Here is his essay: I couldContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – If you were an artist and within 100 miles of Cornwall Ontario Friday or Saturday November 5-6 I sure hope you were at Artpreneur 2010 because it was a blast. A lot of information and some great speakers. Sanjay Burman of Burman Books httpv:// The speakers wereContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – With upcoming public consultations on Arts and Culture here in SD&SG and some of the comments made during the municipal election we thought we’d open up the airwaves and let you speak on tonight at 7:30 PM EST.    Right after our special segment with funnyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So I’m watching Mr. Bob Peters make a presentation at ArtPreneur 2010 here in Cornwall Ontario yesterday; great presentation although I was bewildered at The Cornwall Free News being left out of his presentation when it came to online marketing and getting the message out.   AnyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – I had a chance during the municipal election to talk with Jeff Brunet.  He runs Alkaline Entertainment here in Cornwall and books bands all over.    During the election he brought up at some of the debates issues facing promoters and artists here in Cornwall and weContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Autumn is here again and once more it’s time to gear up for the highest of high holidays on the LGBT calendar. Pride/Fierté Cornwall will be marking it with the 2010 edition of their annual Halloween Hullabaloo on Saturday, October 30th. They’ll be back at the SpotlightContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Limewire, the music sharing service has been shut down by Court injunction.   After losing a copyright infringement case several months ago the writing was on the wall for the pioneer in music sharing technology. LINK “disappointed with this turn of events.” “We are extremely proud ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – An artist posted on facebook last night. Just listened to politicians speak for 2 hours abouts arts and culture so why do I feel like going used car shopping Well first off I want to give kudos the Library for hosting the debate.  It was and isContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Angus and Mel, Mel and Angus, The General Electryk are having their latest album launch Thursday October 28th at Schnitzels European Flavours in downtown Cornwall Ontario! Cornwall’s busiest band kicks off a regional tour a debuts their newly finished album; Petty Little Things on the 28th withContinue Reading