Remember the wonderful Roger’s and Hammerstein’s song from Carousel,” June is Busting Out All Over”? It certainly is. No wonder!! April showers brought May flowers. What a wonderful treat to see everything blooming in such an array of gorgeous colours. An artist’s delight. First the small crocuses raised their littleContinue Reading

JUNE 7. 2020 – Like a bad horror movie we are seeing political hypocrites put the health and safety of this community in peril. COVID 19 still has no true treatment and no cure. There is no vaccine for it. Cornwall is a city where if you end up inContinue Reading

A very special senior, Edna Dorey, celebrated her 104th. birthday in May. Happy Birthday and all good wishes, Edna. . Distancing is not a very natural thing to do. You automatically go to the person to speak with them. Some hard of hearing seniors are finding that they don’t hearContinue Reading

APRIL 20, 2020 – It’s boggling that an entity that is supposed to serve public health is boycotting this newspaper and refusing to release info that supposedly is meant to save and protect lives. That’s exactly what Dr. Paul Roumeliotis is doing. While many can understand that people don’t likeContinue Reading

After numerous and historical issues with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit while serving as Public Health Officer, we the undersigned as that during this COVID 19 Pandemic the Province of Ontario takes immediate action after the incident involving the Food Basics store on Brookdale Avenue. The public’s safety has toContinue Reading

APRIL 15, 2020 – For Marie Beaupre it was an embarrassing moment as she drove up to the drive thru window at a local McDonalds. All she wanted was that secret sauce and delight that is a McDonald’s Big Mac. Being on a limited income this was a treat forContinue Reading

In the next few days Christians will be celebrating Easter and our Jewish friends will be celebrating Passover. It will be the most different Easter and Passover just about all of us will have ever experienced. No church or synagogue services or usual family gatherings. Certainly no Easter Parade anywhere.Continue Reading

While the world is shutting down and encouraging gatherings of less than 5 people only and well spaced, here in Cornwall Ontario, in spite of a high level of seniors and those with morbidity, which means higher treatment and death rates for COVID 19 Coronavirus victims, the Bingo Hall onlyContinue Reading