New Dundee ON – Frustrated with gridlock? Tired of high traffic volumes? Looking for the true freedom of safer, more enjoyable and better driving? The idea of Ontario’s new Super Highway program may just be your answer. MTO (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) operated highways currently have some of the slowest speed limitsContinue Reading

The Shrine circus is coming to town. How shameful that we would host any circus that continues to exploit animals such as elephants, horses and dogs simply to entertain individuals for a few hours? . For those of you who are not familiar with the story of Tyke, this willContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Minister Rona Ambrose is telling us why her government is spending millions of dollars Canada can not afford. The reason she states in the House of Commons is no longer valid  The following letter asks her a question many Canadians have concerning our foreign involvements in the lastContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Mr. Harper, Mr. MacKenzie, Mr Layton–I understand that there will be a vote in Parliament today to ‘extend the mission’ in Libya.  Firstly–to call this a ‘mission’ is obtuse.  This is not a mission, it is a war against a sovereign nation that has threatened no one.  WhenContinue Reading

    Morrisburg ON – (Harpocrat* ‘power grabber’ from Greek harpax, harpaktes ‘robber’; Latin harpyiae ‘harpies, rapacious monsters’; English harpy ‘greedy, cruel or grasping person’ + Greek kratos ‘power, might’)   Chorus: Listen to our Great Reformer! Leading us to the Promised Land! “Friends, in the name of Democracy obviouslyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’ve all seen them on the side of the road. Lines of bottles sitting in rows, with their signs written in black marker on a scrap piece of cardboard, all the while either oblivious or apathetic to the fact that their profits come at the cost ofContinue Reading

There is a time and a place to protest, and during the throne speech on the Senate floor while theGovernor General is addressing the nation on behalf of the Prime Minister is definitely not the timeor place to have done so. As much as I and many other Canadians disagreeContinue Reading

Two weeks after the May 2 federal election, Stephen Harper appointed three defeated Conservative candidates to the Senate on the sly: former intergovernmental affairs minister Josée Verner, Larry Smith and Fabian Manning. They were all rejected by the voters, and yet were called upon – against the public’s will –Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Deux semaines à peine après leurs défaites, Maître Harper nomme en catimini (après la conférence de presse) trois candidats conservateurs défaits aux élections fédérales du 2 mai 2011 au Sénat. . Il nomme l’ancienne ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales, Josée Verner, défaite dans la région de Québec, LarryContinue Reading

Dear Editor, In a Letter to the Editor of Saskatchewan’s Cabinet Minister, GERRY RITZ, in his opening paragraph states “The election mandate we received on May 2 is a vote for staying focused on the economy and a vote for stability.” He ends with the sentence “Residents can continue toContinue Reading

In the wake of the disastrous floods in the provinces of Manitoba and Québec, one of the first things Parliament should do when it begins sitting is to work towards developing a new and effective national flood strategy. Development of such a strategy is of great importance because a vastContinue Reading

  Dear Editor, In a recent letter in the Standard Freeholder, Susan Lilley is correct in stating that CCSA and OCSA (Canadian and Ontario Convenience Stores Association) are backed by the tobacco giants, but so what? . The tobacco giants are backed by the federal government, Tobacco Enforcement in HealthContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Our Government the Conservatives have stopped listening to what we their constituents have asked for.  Laws to be put into place to end abortion. there at this time is absolutely no law stopping abortion right up until the day of birth. A  bus sponsored by Pro-life isContinue Reading

I would like to take the time to say that Mario Leclerc ran a hard, strong campaign and I am proud to have had the opportunity to work alongside Mario at the grassroots level here in Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry. I will not forget the lessons I’ve learned, andContinue Reading

Interesting is the terminology used by Harper over time. “Canadians want change not constitutional wrangling, said Harper.” were the words used when “New Confederation proposals” were issued by News Release on October 15, 1995. Also stated then was this: “In all cases, Reform’s New Confederation proposals simply require a federalContinue Reading

The F 35 Stealth fighter bomber purchase is allegedly at $16 billion but in reality is likely higher in cost overruns . That $16 billion: -would build 80,000 homes for Canadians at $200,000 each -would feed 32 million African children for 10 years -would provide four years free post secondaryContinue Reading

Les sénateurs gagnent 132 300 dollars par année comme salaire de base et ils sont là jusqu’à l’âge de 75 ans. Il n’y a pas de doute que la majorité des Canadiens aimerait voir l’abolition du Sénat. Mais les vieux partis politiques le soutiennent par intérêt. Çacoûte plus de 90 millions parContinue Reading

It has been officially 6 Months since my letter to the editor on October 20th, 2011.  The Communities in Boom Report placed Cornwall 100th out of 100 communities; stating that our city was difficult to start-up and maintain a business! . Many local officials and community figures were outraged andContinue Reading