In the federal all-candidates debate in the Cornwall Civic Complex, SDSG MP Guy Lauzon is reported to have dismissed Parliament’s contempt ruling against the Conservatives as simply the opposition parties ganging up, and therefore meaningless.   Clearly, Mr. Lauzon has learned nothing about parliamentary democracy and has no time for it.  Continue Reading

We are trying to raise awareness of Canada’s discriminatory practices towards disabled people who want to visit Canada. HE’S NOT A TERRORIST HE’S NOT A MURDERER, HE’S COMMITTED NO CRIME. YET CANADA HAS BANNED THIS 17 YEAR OLD FOR LIFE HE CAN NO LONGER ENTER CANADA AS A VISITOR. WHY?Continue Reading

Dear Editor, Premier Brad Wall does not understand how parliamentary democracy works. So let me make it easy.  A government must retain the confidence of a majority of Members of Parliament sitting in the House of Commons. Mr. Harper has a third chance at winning a majority May 2nd. IfContinue Reading

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR COUNTRY LOOK IN THE MIRROR! I have been so astounded, listening to people about the upcoming election. and saddened by so many people’s lack of being informed. . After  speaking  with many people here in Cornwall here are  someContinue Reading

The Quebecor Sun Media news chain, including our Standard-Freeholder, has circulated another dubious story on basement corporate tax cuts. . Jim Hendry, editor of the Peterborough Examiner, has issued a new piece “Lower corporate tax cuts are an economic winner” for the multi-corporate news agency. . Hendry cites Stephen Harper’sContinue Reading

I agree with any politician that says Canadians deserves better because we desperately do. The manner and deportment of Mr. Harper and his government has been undeniably child-like, arrogant and at times simply illegal, yet too many Canadians seem willing to give Mr. Harper and his government a free passContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Statements made by both Auditor General Shelia Fraser and Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page. have been quoted out of time and place in a Conservative Party Committee Report. Research had to have been undertaken to locate suitable quotes or a file kept of usable quotes and while “TheContinue Reading

April 13 is the Day of Pink, the International Day against Bullying, Discrimination, and Homophobia, where everyone is encouraged to show their support by wearing pink. . Homophobia and other forms of discrimination are a pressing issue in Canadian society.  Egale Canada, a Canadian gay rights advocacy group, recently releasedContinue Reading

Stephen Harper is not there for us! What does it take to wake Canadians up? The Conservative government, under Stephen Harper has been a divisive force, muzzling MPs, civil servants and diplomats, racing to the bottom with a barrage of bullying attack ads before an election was even called, andContinue Reading

It’s said we have the governments we deserve.  Do we deserve our current government in Ottawa?  Should we re-elect it on May 2nd?   Here’s a checklist of its record on key issues:   Managing the economy:  $56 billion deficit, largest in Canadian history Spending:  $30 billion planned for stealthContinue Reading

I live near Aisa Craig, Ontario. On Moday, I received a flyer in the mail from my MP, Bev Shipley. One side of the page was pure electioneering. It even had the phrase ‘We’re better off with Harper’ and outlined three key points of his government’s focus. The fact that IContinue Reading

Dear Editor: The March 29 Ontario budget is a status quo budget.   It does not do enough to help people in our riding who are struggling to make ends meet.  The HST is taking $800 a year out of the average family budget.   The budget should have focused on making life more affordableContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Re:  Why won’t Harper take Ignatieff on in head-to-head debate?STEVEN CHASE, BILL CURRY AND JANE TABER, Thursday, March 31, 2011  Was Harper being truthful when he said he would debate Ignatieff one-on-one?  Gilles Duceppe has already called him a liar when Harper said there was no planContinue Reading

As a loyal citizen of the Cornwall community I try to follow the daily local media and the progress of the city’s institutions. . While I have warmed to the all new radio programming for CJSS FM, I find their political sentiment close to all Conservative. Of the dj staff,Continue Reading

Dear Sir, . Counties Councilor Jim McDonell, who is a candidate for the Provincial Conservative Party’s nomination, is quoted as saying that it will cost an extra $3 million to mow the Counties’ roadsides if we cease the controversial spraying program. . The annual cost of the Counties mowing isContinue Reading