March 6, 2017 Board of Trustees Upper Canada District School Board   Dear Board of Trustees: RE: Pupil Accommodation Review, Proposed Closure of Benson Public School Please don’t let this happen. NOW is the time for you to take the opportunity and represent the needs and best interests of theContinue Reading

Michael’s Right! Let’s Honour Bob Turner!   Michael Labelle’s wonderful February 15 letter inspired me to do a little bit more research into Bob Turner, his legacy, and the (typically pathetic) steps that Cornwall’s municipal government has taken to honour the man subsequent to the city’s having torn down theContinue Reading

And here she is folks, Cornwall’s dime-store version of Tony Blair, Daniel Ortega, and Hosni Mubarak. In honour of Elaine MacDonald’s 7 years of treacherous collaboration with the corrupt Trudeau-McGuinty-Wynne Liberal Party establishment and her resulting betrayal of artists, home owners, seniors, taxpayers, workers, and small business owners in CornwallContinue Reading

Re:  Feds monitoring weak economy, could take action as early as fall: Morneau, The Canadian Press, September 26, 2016 Our Bank of Canada does not have vaults filled with electronic cash. As remarkable as it may seem, the Bank (owned 100% by the federal government) simply creates money wheneverContinue Reading

81,000+ workers have missed paycheques, been underpaid, denied health benefits, and even had child support payments disappear – all thanks to the Government of Canada’s political and technological fumbling as it launched an untried, unmanageable pay system called PHOENIX. Unlike its mythical namesake, this PHOENIX immediately crashed and burned inContinue Reading

The medical officers of health across Ontario are pushing hard to add fluoride to municipal water and companies that supply fluoride chemicals will certainly make a profit. One Ontario MPP even wants to mandate compulsory municipal water fluoridation across Ontario. Except that citizens who want fluoride free water have severalContinue Reading

 Ontario Liberals are buying union votes at the hydro rate and taxpayers expense a recently retired Ontario Power Generation CEO  made $1,528,933.36  in 2015  In 2014  at least 148 OPG and Hydro One employees made more than a quarter million dollars a year and there were 12,500 OPG and HydroContinue Reading

Letter to the editor  Hydro at any cost in Ontari_owe: . Approximately 25 OPG workers are still employed  at the closed coal Lambton station to preserve its idled condition for possible future conversion how many other closed coal plants employ people to do very little. The  Atikokan converted biomass plant Continue Reading

    Dear Editor,   For several years, “Keeshechewan” residents have been coming to the Cornwall and  “Ahkwesáhsne” communities to escape the springtime flood waters of the Albany River.   It’s a hardship for the families for sure, but our communities strive to make it work, and we’ve developed somethingContinue Reading