Cornwall ON – Councillor Bernadette Clement today announced her intention to seek re-election to Cornwall City Council. “In November of 2006, I was given the honour of the trust and confidence of my fellow citizens of Cornwall when they elected me as a Councillor of the City of Cornwall.  SinceContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Now who’s using the old “Rope a Dope”?    Guy Giorno is on his way out as Prime Minister Harper’s numero uno advisor.   His consiglierie in mob terms which is very much what the Harper government has been like during Mr. Giorno’s term in power. PollsContinue Reading

Dear City, As a crazied loon who is out to `hunt’ down my estranged spouse, I thank you for helping me track her down with the publishing of your upcoming `List of Electors’. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you! Thanks again. As you can imagine, I cringedContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Why do I connect Marijuana with bunnies?  I’m not sure….but I do know that legal Marijuana makes sense at every level and as they so do so often California is leading the way. Here is the first Marijuana commercial. httpv:// Personally I find it all hypocritical, butContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Green Peace Activist and Officer Kumi Naidoo compared the Alberta Oil Sands politics to those of Apartheid recently.   As stories leak about run off from the Oil sands contaminating water supplies it’s a very timely subject. LINK “During apartheid, the government did not act in theContinue Reading

Summerstown ON – Ontario is helping a Summerstown company increase production and create 45 new manufacturing jobs. With support from the province, Reynolds Food Packaging is investing to retrofit its existing facility, implement a more efficient manufacturing process and upgrade equipment.  These improvements will double production capacity and help the company maintainContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- Well it looks like Dogs, or in particular the ability for pet owners to walk their dogs in city parks is becoming a municipal election issue. Cornwall City Councilors Bernadette Clement and Glen Grant are championing a test project to allow leashed access to dogs in Lamoureux Park,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Elaine MacDonald is seeking re-election as councillor for the city of Cornwall. First elected in 2006, MacDonald’s experience on council has been very positive. She feels the council worked as a very effective team, advancing the interests of the citizens of Cornwall in a spirit of collegialityContinue Reading

CORNWALL ON – Veteran Councillor Denis Carr announced today that he will be a candidate in the upcoming municipal election. Citing his experience as the chair of the city’s budget committee for the past four years, Carr believes that taxpayers’ money must be used wisely and efficiently in order toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Tomorrow’s Political Round Table show on has a special guest.  At 10:15 NDP MP for Outremont Thomas Mulcair will be LIVE on air.   We’ll be talking about the Economy and other important issues. CLICK HERE to listen LIVE or via PODCAST The show starts atContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Denis Thibault, a long time resident and very active community minded person has announced he’s running again. He hopes that the voters of Cornwall will support him for councilor again in the upcoming municipal elections this fall. “Today, I have submitted my papers to stand for re-electionContinue Reading

Morrisburg ON – For the election of 2006 the Reform-Conservatives campaigned loudly on a promise of Accountability and Transparency. And ever since their election to office in January 2006, they have delivered on their promise in spades. They have been absolutely and at all times accountable to themselves.  As forContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwall media personality Todd Lalonde who can normally be seen on CogecoTV 11 has announced he’s running as a school board trustee in the upcoming municipal elections. I wish to announce that I will be seeking re-election as a trustee with the Catholic District School Board ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Today we have news that the opposition parties are uniting to force a recall of the veterans affairs committee. It’s a shame that PMO didn’t seize the initiative on the Stogran issue and look at what is best for our veterans. Instead their talk point is thatContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So who’s hot and who’s not in Politics?  Our political round table show kicks off at 9AM on Tuesday morning with pundits Joe Gunn & Denis Sabourin.   At 9:45 Keith Beardsley shares his View from the Hill and then we open the lines until 11Continue Reading