Cornwall ON – Tony Clement had an opportunity to perform today in front of the Industry Committee. One thing that can be said for Clement is that he is always well prepared, knows his files and it’s hard to trip him up. In addition, he always surrounds himself with highlyContinue Reading

Newington ON – If you think Health Care in Ontario is bad, just wait till September when you see how badly Dalton McGuinty has screwed up our Educational System. $1.5 billion per year is being spent on three and four year olds to attend full day/every day kindergarten.  Teachers making $70,000 plus, ECE’s (Early Childhood Educators)Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – The latest round in the census story has seen the Chief Statistician resign. While not an earth shattering event for the general public, who probably didn’t even know the position existed until yesterday, it helps to feed the media line of a government in crisis. Certainly atContinue Reading

Dear Editor: The McGuinty Government’s handling of the eco fees issue has been a complete fiasco.  There was no plan to protect consumers from being blindsided by these new eco fees on July 1 at the same time as the introduction of the HST. The Ontario NDP support the concept ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Former Conservative Minister Helena Guergis has been cleared of charges by the RCMP today. LINK Last April, Harper fired Guergis as minister of state for status of women, kicked her out of caucus, and provided the RCMP and Parliament’s ethics commissioner with information about the activities thatContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- Local Federal NDP candidate Darlene Jalbert is having a party and BBQ in Lamoureux park and wants to invite everyone to attend. It’s 11:30-2:30 on Sunday August 8th and you don’t have to be a member to enjoy the sounds and food! We’ll be covering the event liveContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Click the logo above to go to our show page!  Or any of the images below to go to the show page to listen live or via podcast! If it’s Tuesday morning it’s time to talk politics live from Cornwall Ontario with your host Jamie GilcigContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Michael Ignatieff is on tour.  He’s dropping into a town near you as he whistle stops across Canada via Bus; shaking hands, kissin’ babies, smiling, waving, back slapping, eating fried food, Purel’ing, and pandering for votes from Canadians. He’s trying to connect with Canadians or should IContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So did you get the latest mailing from our MP Guy Lauzon?  You know the MP that refused to wish Happy Canada Day to the 20,000+ viewers of  The Cornwall Free News. Guy and the Harper government are concerned about us taxpayers.   They’re concerned about accountability,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Polls indicate that the Conservatives might form another government if an election is held today. But Michael Ignatieff who visited Cornwall is trying to change that. Ignatieff who is the leader of the official opposition in the House of Commons is on a six week tour thisContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff was Singing in the Rain last night in Cornwall Ontario.   In a Stephane Dionesque moment his bus broke down en route , but ever the trooper, the sole reason Stephen Harper is still in power, hitched a ride and made it toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Government of Ontario operates quite a nice news room on its website, highlighting some of the events happening around the province. It’s designed particularly for members of the press. It also has a service which will email press releases, media events including cabinet ministers, etc. IContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Well the Summer Season is kicking into high gear for politics in Canada.   Our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is in Calgary for the Federally funded stampede beating the drums. The fastest beat is his insistence on the possibility of a coalition against him thus why Canadians should giveContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Following the Harper government’s unprecedented lead in cancelling its part of the ecoEnergy refit program last March, a year ahead of schedule, the McGuinty Liberal government has announced it is cutting some of the rates paid to producers under the province’s MicroFIT program. Until just recently, theContinue Reading