Newington ON – Premier Dalton McGuinty created a lucrative program called “microFIT” for small producers of solar electricity across Ontario.   A producer would be able to benefit by selling the electricity on the grid for a subsidized price of 80.2 cents per kilowatt hour.  That’s 20 times the price paid for nuclear power.  MostContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We have a double dose of Keith Beardsley’s View From the Hill for you today! Iggy Express dropping into communities all across Canada This summer will see the Iggy Express dropping into communities all across Canada. If we believe the Liberal spin this will be the mostContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Prime Minister Stephen Harper made his choice for 28th Governor General of Canada in David Johnston.  Mr. Johnston is currently the president of the University of Waterloo and has previously been with McGill University. GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA ON WIKI The governor general is required by bothContinue Reading

Liberal Candidate Bernadette Clement Announces Michael Ignatieff Liberal Express Tour Coming to Cornwall Cornwall ON – Stormont Dundas South Glengarry Federal Liberal candidate Bernadette Clement today announced that Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff will be in Cornwall On Tuesday, July 13 2010, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. “We are very pleasedContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Well it`s official.    Your humble editor of The Cornwall Free News is officially the Green Party of Canada Federal candidate for SD&SG.     It`s going to be a challenging race as I have some exceptional candidates from the other parties to best including incumbent GuyContinue Reading

. Cornwall ON – What’s on this week you ask?  Click any of the images below to go straight to the show either live or via podcast and remember you can find all of our segments for free on Apple iTunes. Our Political Round Up with your hostContinue Reading

Regarding the recent announcement of the new “Police Motorcycle”, really begs the question, why are we not sharing this service with the OPP? Recently, our city police force gave up on our “police dog” program, opting for sharing the service with the OPP. Our taxpayers are being stretched to the limitContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’re happy to present a double shot of View From the Hill by our Political Maven, Keith Beardsley! And now the whining begins It’s always interesting to see how people view the world and their place in it. Good examples of this are the complaints of our recentContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We talk politics on this morning with Joe Gunn and Denis Sabourin.   The show starts at 9 AM and afterwards we’re hoping to hear from some City Councilors from Cornwall Ontario after last nights meeting of council. Hot topic this morning will be the G20Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – There were two protests at the G20 in Toronto Saturday June 26th.  The first, the largest, completely peaceful.   There was structure.  There was a time frame.   And then there were those that it looks like were not interested in a rally, but as they rarelyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – A crowd of 150 energetic people, music fans and Liberal Party supporters, attended the first ever Liberalpalooza in support of SDSG Liberal Candidate Bernadette Clement. According to event organizer Tracy Champagne, the purpose of Liberalpalooza “is all about getting younger people involved and music is one wayContinue Reading

Dear Sir: I sent the following letter to the Standard Freeholder but, of course, they did not print it.  It seems to me the worst critics of politicians are often those who have never stood for public office themselves. Claude McIntosh, of the Standard Freeholder, often refers to our Premier as theContinue Reading