CFN – Many are rejoicing in la belle province this morning over the political destruction of one of the most destructive forces in Quebec Politics; one Madame Pauline Marois. She led her party to a complete defeat with the Liberal Party snatching 70 seats and a majority after she andContinue Reading

It’s Beat the Clock time again on CFN!   You have until Monday March 10 at NOON EST to grab this buy!  Great for Election Campaigns, your business, charity, event or organization.  You can purchase as many as you like as long as they are used during 2014.  Your choiceContinue Reading

Canadians for Coexistence presents: Interfaith Celebration Venue: Shaare Zedek Congregation, 5305 Rosedale Av., Montreal, QC. H4V 2H7 Date & Time: Sunday, March 9, 2014, at 1500 hours.  Canadians for Coexistence, have been actively involved against Bill 60 which, if passed, will no longer allow public sector employees to wear a hijab,Continue Reading

CFN– If Quebec Premier Pauline Marois and her Separatist friends are serious about a Spring snap election I would suggest that she call it an all or nothing call.   That a vote for her party is a vote clearly for separation and that if granted a majority government itContinue Reading

CFN – Life is about improving and making things better, and after a year of research and consultations with a lot of people we are pleased to be announcing our new comments policy on CFN. As many know there are different formats used by various news sites.    CFN manuallyContinue Reading

CFN – That fount of political wisdom, Celine Dion, has apparently come out in favour of the new PQ Charter which has been roundly condemned world wide including Amnesty International.   I remember when long time family friend Benny Kushner would show up at our home bringing albums of theContinue Reading

CFN –   Singers have their one special hit; authors their books, but legendary Canadian political cartoonist Terry Mosher, better known as Aislin, has hit a new high note in his long and historic career with his new cartoon depicting the Quebec Premier spoofing the Miley Cyrus song Wrecking Ball!Continue Reading

CFN – Quebec’s new Charter of Shame has been condemned loudly outside of the province.  It’s also be loudly rejected within by the opposition parties, by labour, by Mayoralty candidates in Montreal, Quebec’s largest union federation, the mayors of the 15 other municipalities on the island of Montreal, a prominent BlocContinue Reading

CFN – It seems that a large core of Quebecers are determined to bring language issues to the forefront in Quebec.   CTV in Montreal reported on a new documentary about the issue.    LA LANGUE À TERRE, directed by Jean-Pierre Roy and  Michel Breton essentially floats that Quebec should onlyContinue Reading

CFN – Working families with children in Canada face high tax hurdles that could dissuade them from earning extra income, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Treading Water: The Impact of High METRs on Working Families in Canada,” authors Alexandre Laurin and Finn PoschmannContinue Reading

CFN – Can you imagine an employee here in Ontario being told that they could not speak French while at work?   Could you imagine that same employee being told that they could not speak French on their break on site with another employee? That’s exactly what’s happened to youngContinue Reading

There’s a rally, Sunday June 30, 2013 in front of McGill College in Montreal organized and promoted by Howard Galganov of Will you be there? (Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of theContinue Reading

CFN –  With Constitution Day (March 29th) fast approaching, a survey commissioned by the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) has revealed a startling lack of basic knowledge among Canadians about Canada’s Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Among other findings: •Barely half of Canadians surveyed (53%) knew that Canada’s originalContinue Reading

February 20, 2013 Re: Follow-up of letter of request for a meeting dated October 22, 2012 To: Premier Pauline Marois Dear Premier Marois: This letter is a follow-up to a letter dated last October 22, 2012, requesting a meeting with you and your Ministers regarding the impact of Bill 101Continue Reading