Dear Sir: Please may I correct an error in the Standard Freeholder 23rd December, “Akwesasne oppose de-listng river” by Greg Peerenboom.  It was erroneously reported that “The institute has been responsible for much of the research which has led to improving the river”.  Whilst it may be true the instituteContinue Reading

The Upper Canada District School Board Future Success or Failure? Is there any organization today that can operate with lies, dishonesty and unprofessionalism?  Long lists of dishonesty in business include Enron, Worldcom, Nortel, many Banks and others.  When out of touch executives fail to have values of honesty and professionalism, failure isContinue Reading

I have recently heard a rumour that Bev Oda, Guy Lauzon and Stephen Harper have agreed to fund all future donations to Haiti out of their own pockets!  I wonder if this is true because I am not too happy to see Canadian hard earned dollars being constantly diverted to Haiti when there areContinue Reading

Re:       Canadian Taxpayer Subsidised Tea Party Successes Canadian Taxpayer Subsidised Tea Party Successes By Richard Komorowski Cornwall Free News November 16, 2010 Editor: Reading Mr. Komorowski’s article reminded me of another anti-corporate conspiracy rant,the Unabomber Manifesto by Ted Kaczynski. Not only is he ill-informed on oil sands production methods, he’s clearly guessingContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Michael Ignatieff may not want an election, the Liberals may not be ready for an election but, like the Americans, we are in need of  a change in political parties at the federal level.  The Americans, without giving Barack Obama a reasonable time frame in which to correct that which George W. createdContinue Reading

South Stormont ON – I have become inutterably tired of the complaints about taxes at the provincial level of government.  So few of the complainants appear worried about the massive tax waste occurring at the federal level yet taxes are taxes no matter who levies them.  More importantly we haveContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Hundreds of thousands of Ontarians made it clear that they can not afford the unfair imposition of HST on their hydro bills, including many working families right here in Cornwall Ontario and in the riding of Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry. I hoped that Jim Brownell andContinue Reading

Our First Nations People Deserve Better We need to treat our First Nations citizens better.  I have been reading the Standard Freeholder for quite some time and I am appalled with how many derogatory comments are made by online readers about First Nations people living in or near Cornwall. ManyContinue Reading

The federal government has tabled new legislation with respect to refugees and has, once again, completely missed the mark.  Now, I know, it is easy to sit on the sidelines and make judgements but, really, this latest Conservative initiative can best be described as an avoidance of taking responsible action.Continue Reading

Newington ON  – Are the Counties NUTS?  What on earth justifies a $8000.00 a year increase? This past October the Counties passed a by-law increasing the honorarium for the Wardens position from $19,159 to $27,000 that’s almost an $8,000 increase. Members of Council will receive an honorarium of $10,000 from what use toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Is Cornwall one of Canada’s top or worst entrepreneurial cities?  Even though rankings point to Cornwall falling behind in economic development our leaders are not convinced! I believe Cornwall to be currently in a very similar position to what has been portrayed by several economists and industryContinue Reading

Bob Kilger re: Letter to the Editor – Denise Levac on Huguette Burroughs & Guy Leger tribute, October 16, 2010 You may have received a letter from Madame Denise Levac about my motivation for a recent proposal honouring the memory of two distinguished former Councillors of the City of Cornwall,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Thank you very much for high lighting the City mural issue recently in your paper, which resulted in the approval of the mural restoration by the City Councillors.  For the general public’s interest, there were four councillors, Mary Ann Hug, Bernadette Clement, Denis Thibault, and Denis Carr whoContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We received this email this morning from Mr. Adam McGrath and are printing it unedited. Oct. 10, 2010 RE: Cotton Mill Fire – 150 Edward St. To whom it may Concern, An extremely regrettable incident occurred on the evening of Sunday, October 10, 2010. At around 6:30 p.m., “BuildingContinue Reading

What if you called an ambulance because you’ve just suffered a heart attack or your loved one is bleeding to death because of an accident and the response was there’s not one available but one is on its way from Ottawa? Well this is a reality and everyone in theContinue Reading

Dear Citizens of Cornwall, Every Canadian’s ‘favourite’ season is fast approaching. No, I’m not talking about winter. It’s election time! It always strikes me as amazing how many people choose not to vote. Sure they have their reasons. But really, do they not realize how lucky they are to haveContinue Reading