POWER OUTAGE   Cornwall will be experiencing a momentary power outage in the early morning hours of November 19th, 2014. As a result the Cornwall Community Police Service is reminding the public that during any power outage drivers are should treat all traffic controlled intersections as if they were fourContinue Reading

BREACH   Cornwall, ON – Lianne Killen, 24 of Brockville and Aaron Taylor, 26 of Long Sault were both arrested on November 15th, 2014 and charged with breaching release conditions. It is alleged that on November 15th, 2014 during a traffic stop they were found to be in the companyContinue Reading

 – MISCHIEF UNDER $5000, MISCHIEF OVER $5000, THEFT UNDER $5000, THEFT OVER $5000, BREAK AND ENTER, ATTEMPT BREAK AND ENTER   Cornwall, ON – Scott Robinson, 18 of Cornwall was arrested on November 10th, 2014 and charged with the following: Mischief over $5000.00  Break and Enter Theft under $5000.00 MischiefContinue Reading

Does this image offend you? It should.  It does me. Does this one? Can you imagine some drunken idiot putting a picture of someone in the centre of a poppy because they were suspended by Facebook?   I know.  Insane. When presented this image Bill Maxwell of the Canadian LegionContinue Reading

ASSAULT Cornwall ON- On November 6, 2014, Police were called to a local business after a male employee complained of having been assaulted by a female employee. Investigation revealed that the victim had been struck by an object thrown by the female. No injuries were reported. Tara-Lynn Baribeau, 40 ofContinue Reading

CFN  – How many of you reading this have lived under the poverty line?  How many are living it now?   Those on social assistance here in Ontario and across Canada have very little extra left from their income to buy food.   Many rely on the kindness of strangers andContinue Reading

CFN – With the closing of No Frills at the Square, many seniors living in the area were wondering how they would manage to get groceries. I remember one lady who lived in a Senior’s Residence telling me that she would walk to the Square with her walker and getContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario –  I was asked what was the hardest part of this last year?  Was it the police charges?  Was it that after Bell provided a production order that categorically stated that I never made the calls (nearly six months ago!)  that the police and crown put forth inContinue Reading

IMPAIRED Cornwall, ON – Arthur Sampson, age 45, of Cornwall, was arrested on November 1, 2014. He was located by police on Sydney Street operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. An investigation was conducted and he was charged with Impaired and Over .08. He was releasedContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – What does the Poppy mean to you as Remembrance Day approaches?   Should we be remembering those who sacrificed their lives only one day per year? Many people have different thoughts about the Poppy which is used by the Legion to raise funds for our Veterans.  Continue Reading

October was a busy month here at CFN and SSN headquarters.  Two elections, twice the madness! In October CFN set a new record with 252,160 visits!  That was a busy month locally. 66,118 Unique visitors showed up (IP numbers) and we had 1,344,170 human pages clicked on with another 1,458,637Continue Reading

CRIMINAL HARASSMENT   Cornwall, ON – Nathalie Evans, 43 of Long Sault was arrested on October 30th, 2014 and charged with criminal harassment. It is alleged that between November 2013 and September 2014 the woman sent several unwanted text messages to a 41-year-old Cornwall woman. It is also alleged thatContinue Reading

  BREACH   Cornwall, ON – A 58-year-old St. Andrews man was arrested on October 28th, 2014 and charged with breaching his undertaking for failing to notify a change of address, being outside while intoxicated, communicating with someone he has conditions not to and failing to keep the peace. ItContinue Reading