What a dysfunctional attempt at Machiavellian intrigue is going on in the shadows at City Hall in Cornwall. At root is what appears to be the Mayor and CAO throwing Clerk Manon Levesque under the bus for not issuing a final certificate with spending limits for the municipal election thatContinue Reading

Startling communications allege that an event that caused city wide panic and locked down schools and hospitals in January was essentially gross mismanagement by #CCPS Chief Danny Aikman and Deputy Chief Shawna Spowart. The allegations from multiple sources claim that the incident was over an UMBRELLA in a back pack.Continue Reading

It’s pretty sad and scary to see Cornwall’s Secondary School rankings slide further overall in the province according to the latest Fraser Institute Secondary School rankings. Sad, but not unpredictable as the Primary rankings have been scary too. Both St. Lawrence and CCVS scored less than 50% for testing whichContinue Reading

Cornwall is not a unique community. It however does have a strain of bully culture that is very rare in that it’s embraced by its victims, many times more than its bullies, who really, because of cronyism, aren’t that capable. An example is that when I tried to save ourContinue Reading

It’s boggling the level that some people and media outlets will sink too. Bernadette Clement has run in five elections, including two for MP. Campaign spending limits are one of the most common features of any run. In fact Ms Clement has a team around her. Not only is sheContinue Reading

I don’t envy your job Doug. I would never want to be Premier of Ontario. I admire your fight against the pointless and abusive cash grab that is the carbon tax. While that is going to be a long fight there is something your government can actually nail down andContinue Reading

By Mary Anne Pankhurst There’s no doubt that vaccine misinformation harms and kills people. Globally, the evidence for that is in. But do you know misinformation is also a money maker? Fact is, Big Misinfo is a profit-making leviathan. It breaches in both physical and online communities, all tangled upContinue Reading

I’ve only lived in this area since 2004, but something I’ve noticed is that people are not big on being accountable and owning their messes. I know that’s universal, but it’s especially ugly here, especially top down. When MPP Jim McDonell made a total boob of himself using the termContinue Reading

A very tiny protest led to police officers rushing to MPP Jim McDonell’s office on 2nd Street West in Cornwall this afternoon. It’s alleged that staff hit the actual panic button when a 5 year old wouldn’t stop fidgeting with the blinds in the riding office. No charges have beenContinue Reading

It’s sad watching the circus that has become the #lavscam scandal. Canadians are getting a rare glimpse, and a sanitized one at that, on the inner workings of government. There is nothing surprising regarding the testimony of former AG Jody Wilson Raybould. It also highlights the degree of Quebec corruptionContinue Reading

There’s hypocrisy and then there’s the brand of hypocrisy that is part of the Cornwall Ontario Bully Culture. When asked about an incident of alleged bullying, with a racial slant, that occured in his pre police days, this is what Chief Aikman sent to this newspaper. Mr. Gilcig, I received yourContinue Reading

One of the most frustrating thing about dealing with the political corruption in Cornwall is we are kept from basic public resources that our taxes pay for. Specifically the Eastern Ontario Health Unit does not provide or respond to requests from this, the largest newspaper in Cornwall, about important healthContinue Reading

I know crazy. While there’s some play off fever going on in la belle province the best situation that’s evolved this season is the recovery of high priced Goalie Carey Price. The man has value even with his contract, heck if LV can give a 30+ goalie in Marc AndreContinue Reading

Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (“PHIPA”) Pursuant to PHIPA, any information related to the personal health of identifiable individuals is not included.  Other proceedings, processes, and investigations Information may have also been excluded from this report because its release could undermine the integrity of other proceedings involving the same incident,Continue Reading

By accepting her change of positions, Wilson-Raybould has largely disqualified herself from complaining now about the motives for her so-called demotion The SNC-Lavalin matter has become a showcase for a panoply of media and political attitudes of widely varying levels of justification. To review some of the elements, there wasContinue Reading

There’s a certain irony about writing this piece on Valentine’s Day as it appears for many their Love for Justin Trudeau has gone stone cold. Most don’t remember that JT was in 3rd place trailing Thomas Mulcair and Stephen Harper at one time in the last election run when heContinue Reading