JANUARY 8, 2025 – The world is going through a period of instability which is being amplified by social media and AI. One tweet on X can ripple through millions of people. Right now the Western world is going through the ripples of President Donald Trump’s “jokes” about the USContinue Reading

January 19, 2023 – It’s been a scary few years in Ontario when it comes to health care. The system was already strained and corrupted BEFORE Covid. When the virus hit it truly exposed our greatest weaknesses. The lack of care for elders and those that needed Long Term Care.Continue Reading

November 21, 2022 – It’s so hard to write pieces like this. It gives light to some very cretinous people. At my most generous, actions like the storm caused by Ottawa MPP Joel Harden can be passed off for ignorance, but deep down it doesn’t feel that way to me.Continue Reading

November 3, 2022 – The Catholic School board in the Cornwall & SD&G area are giving parents notice that schools will be closed if CUPE goes on Strike Friday. The Ford Government is preemptively triggering the Notwithstanding clause which seems barbaric. At issue is the polarity of both sides. TheContinue Reading

October 26, 2022 – The first change occurred after the election. CAO Maureen Adams has shifted from bloating Cornwall’s taxes, and moved to SD&G where she will take over for Tim Simpson. Ms Adams is a resident of Long Sault. More changes are expected at City Hall as residents frustrationsContinue Reading

OCTOBER 5, 2022 – The problem with lawyers is that while the great ones can prove in court that elephants just might be able to fly; in the real world, when the issue is heinous enough, it doesn’t really matter if elephants can indeed fly or not. In this situationContinue Reading

September 15, 2022 – It’s rare for an incumbent, especially an established one with the lineage that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has. Justin is very different than his father. At times it feels like he’s forcing it, being a Trudeau. He’s had a blessed political career that has seenContinue Reading

July 27, 2022 – One of the biggest things the Covid-19 Pandemic has done is show how truly weak and messed up our healthcare system is. This isn’t something that can easily be fixed. Money alone will not solve the issues which impact different provinces differently depending on their systems.Continue Reading

JUNE 13, 2022 – Here we go again, teams of partisans backing various candidates shouting out their membership numbers in the Conservative Leadership race. While we all know this is a fool’s game, those partisans buried in their bunkers think this is important and in effect are shouting out “lookContinue Reading

JUNE 13, 2022 – Patrick Brown’s comment that he wouldn’t run for the Conservatives if Poilievre was the leader was quite frankly dumb. From a strategic viewpoint he gains nothing,first round but loses a lot. He comes across as a bit of a sore loser and he hasn’t even lostContinue Reading

April 4, 2022 – For many of us struggling through Covid in Ontario it feels like the Ford Government secretly supports the Randy Hillier crowd. Horrible take back of mask mandates as a sixth wave of a World Wide pandemic that has killed over 5 million people and you can’tContinue Reading

February 3, 2022 – Crimes and offences are not just illegal actions; they are also illegal failures to act and omitting to act contrary to law. Protesters in Ottawa are committing illegal acts, and the Ottawa Police Service is failing to act against them. Since at least January 29th, 2022,Continue Reading