Cornwall Ontario – June is Seniors Month. Cornwall is blessed with many wonderful seniors. I feel fortunate to know some of them. There are numerous special seniors in our City helping charities, people and organizations. Kudos for caring and for all your help in our community. Some years agoContinue Reading

    Cornwall Ontario – All the music lovers at Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence recently were delighted to have another wonderful concert given by Ed Lauzon and his guitar. Ed sang lots of familiar Rock and Roll and Country Western as well as some Gospel music. One nice thing aboutContinue Reading

Déportation d’un suspect en sol canadien en lien avec plusieurs dossiers de fraudes visant principalement les aînés     Montréal Quebec–  Les enquêteurs du  Module des fraudes générales de la Section des crimes économiques du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) ont procédé à la déportation deContinue Reading

    CORNWALL ONTARIO – My friend Frances Glass-Irwin and I often reminisce about growing up in Cornwall, which was a few years ago, of course. She said that she remembered when she was about 10 or 12 years old walking all the way down to near St. Lawrence ParkContinue Reading

  CORNWALL ONTARIO – Valentine’s Day reminds me of the old days in primary school. We used to give little paper valentines to our classmates and friends when we were about 7 or 8 years old. We could buy a book which had sheets of valentines on them and weContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – February is Heart and Stroke month. It is a time of fund raising as well as bringing more awareness of heart and stroke problems, prevention and treatment to the public. On one of the web sites it states that 9 out of 10 Canadians have at leastContinue Reading

    Cornwall has a lot of wonderful and talented artists. Brenda Connelly is one of them. She has painted in oils and watercolour but acrylics are her preference at this time. Some years ago when Jean McCormick had her Art Studio on Pitt Street north, Brenda attended the studioContinue Reading

    CORNWALL ONTARIO – The Dementia Friends Canada campaign has ten tips for us to help communicate with a person with dementia. They suggest: 1) Approach the person from the front. If they are seated go down to their level. 2) Identify yourself. Tell them your name and offerContinue Reading

    Cornwall Ontario – As the song says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. It is true. Everywhere we go there are sparkling lights, multi-coloured decorations, toys, gifts, Santa Clauses and Nativity scenes. Pommier’s Square at Pitt and Second Streets is all lit up with colourful decorations,Continue Reading