A few weeks ago, 2-doctors appeared before Cornwall City Council urging that the city continue to fluoridate the municipal water. The fluoridation compound is hydrofluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) that is a by-product from fertilizer manufacturing plants. It includes a breakdown product known as orthosilicic acid that is known to leach lead fromContinue Reading

CFN –   The board of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit will be meeting with Ms Chantale LeClerc of the Champlain LHIN today (Thursday January 10, 2013) at 5 PM to discuss the Cornwall General Hospital site which is up for sale for $2Million dollars. The public has responded loudlyContinue Reading

CFN – The stunningly beautiful Long Sault Parkway is sadly closed this winter; one of the most beautiful times to enjoy its beauty.   The Parkway is the centre of a battle between South Stormont Ontario and newly entrenched poobah Darren Dalgleish. The dispute seems to come down to theContinue Reading

CFN – Mayor Bob Kilger of Cornwall Ontario is in a tricky wicket as the city buzzes over the sale of the Cornwall General Hospital 2nd Street site.  Mayor Kilger is also on the board of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit.  Some would suggest a potential conflict of agendas. ContactedContinue Reading

January 8, 2013 Greetings: At a recent special public meeting regarding the sale of the Cornwall General Hospital, the message was clear that we should be using this opportunity to help seniors that are dealing with long term care and accessible housing issues.   A person could wait up toContinue Reading