CFN – Imagine waking one morning to find police officers towing your car out of your driveway. “What is the meaning of this!?” you demand. “Um, yeah…” says the officer, “Some people out west – we heard – drove too fast, or, maybe didn’t stop correctly, or droveContinue Reading

CFN – Many people would like to grow some food however they suppose their apartment or small living space will not allow such a project.  Believe it or not, all of us can grow a wee bit of food as long as we have access to some sun and waterContinue Reading

CFN –   Hey Real Estate professionals; tired of spending a fortune on advertising and marketing and not happy with your results? You will have to be at the presentation of our new Real Estate product. Save money with more results. Brokers, Agents, Mortgage Specialists, Real Estate Lawyers Cornwall –Continue Reading

CFN – Summer is in full bloom and I cannot think of better way to share the splendor and beauty that surrounds us each and every day than through images captured in my backyard this morning.  I just wish I could attach a file which would allow me to share the sweetContinue Reading

CFN – Have you planted any vegetables this year? My planting journey began back in February with an experiment in growing some slips from a sweet potato in water.  I started with three potatoes, commercially bought at the store and came to find out from an experienced gardener that storeContinue Reading

CFN – Submitted Media Advisory What: TED Fellow and American Inventor Sonaar Luthra will be speaking in Cornwall tomorrow evening, Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30 pm as a special guest of the River Institute and the US Embassy Where: The St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences ( 2 St.Continue Reading

There are so many life forms that surround us, especially this time of the year.  Crawling, flying, hanging insects are eveywhere, above and below ground.  These tiny creatures are intricately connected to each and everyone of us and I’m certain help to maintain a healthy balance of our world inContinue Reading

The warmer weather has finally arrived.  Wonderful!  I’m certain many of us were out getting dirty, cleaning up our yards, and perhaps readying our garden plots for some flowers and vegetables.  Many of us tend to try and get all the tasks done in one day and end up discouragedContinue Reading

CFN – Sadness enveloped my heart as I witnessed a once vibrant life had been snuffed out. Many years ago I first noticed this lovely specimen.  It had taken up residence next to the post box which I travelled to on a regular basis; I couldn’t help but notice its regal stature. Continue Reading

  So much going on these days…talks of Genetically Modified (GM) salmon out East, GM alfalfa hay, another oil spill down south………………STOP THE MADNESS…..please!! Amid all this talk of Franken-food and the hand of man slapping our Sacred Earth once again with the consequences of dirty oil and GM-food, IContinue Reading