My year at TAG Cornwall has been eye opening and interesting.   I’ve discovered a passion for painting.  I’ve seen the good and bad in our local artists.   I’ve listened to a lot of people.  I’ve helped a lot of people.  I’ve also had to say no to someContinue Reading

While many know John Lester, formerly of JL Computers as a guru of sorts in Cornwall; he’s also an avid photographer. Some of his work hangs currently in TAG Cornwall, the city’s public art gallery that is on the precipice of closing. A meeting has been called for Tuesday FebruaryContinue Reading

The problem with media is that sometimes, really bad journalists with really poor integrity can take innocent bits of an answer and build a perspective that creates an entirely different meaning. Today the Seaway News issued yet another hatchet job against TAG Cornwall, the city’s 34 year old public artContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Barrie Wentzell has met and worked with almost every musical great during his stint with Melody Maker magazine in London from 1965-75. That time included working with David Bowie who passed away after a brave fight with Cancer. Wentzell recently visited Cornwall for a fund raising exhibitContinue Reading

Moise Lasata is an example of a tortured artist struggling with life’s challenges.     After working for years in Welding, and of some of the toughest industrial sorts, he was debilitated, losing a lot of ability to use his hands. While at a centre connecting with his First Nation’sContinue Reading

A curious series of events have just transpired this year that is putting yet another cultural asset of the City of Cornwall in peril. First the city cut the funding to its public art gallery to zero in a boggling budget process that saw three councilors cite conflict of interestContinue Reading

Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, Jim Morrison from the Doors, all of The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Miles Davis, Leonard Cohen, the Who, Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, and just about every major musical head liner from 1965 to 1975 crossed the lens of Barrie Wentzell. Mr. WentzellContinue Reading

Yes, I know, I’ve got emails from many of you complaining that I haven’t been writing as much here on CFN these past months. The truth is since January of this year I’ve been spending 40-60 hours per week trying to save our 33 year old institution that is ourContinue Reading

The buzz is that the Centre Culturel, which currently sits in a building owned by City Councilor Brock Frost will be moving into the Cornwall General Hospital where it will open a French Art Gallery and Library. The group is taking over a large 1000 square foot space as wellContinue Reading

I love that image that an area photog did of moi.  He meant it badly, mostly because he’s kinda young and probably never understood or watched Citizen Kane.     He’s an example of a young person in Cornwall, with some talent, who sold his soul to get the loveContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Tonight council will most likely be giving out nearly $50K to an architectural firm for a feasibility study to create an arts centre in Cornwall or as many in our city are calling it, an utter waste of tax dollars. The community has written cheques to outContinue Reading