Here are your quick hits for Thursday August 6th, 2009 MAPLE LEAF RECALLS HOT DOGS “The affected products, which include nine varieties of Shopsy’s, Hygrade and Maple Leaf brand wieners, were recalled after company testing revealed some samples tested positive for listeria. The bacteria were detected through a second, moreContinue Reading

MEDIA ADVISORY – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Due to a lack of interest and support from the LGBT community, Pride/Fierté Cornwall will cease all operations effective Sunday, November 1, 2009. Since October 2007, support for the organization and attendance at our various events has been steadily decreasing, and numerous calls forContinue Reading

Amazon got into hot water recently by removing George Orwell titles such as 1984 and Animal Farm from its Kindle E-Readers. L I N K Amazon offers Kindle E-Readers which allow you to download and read books.   However their service chose to eliminate the Orwell titles and refund their purchasers.Continue Reading

The Bridge is open and traffic is flowing again.   The issues haven’t really been dealt with and the bridge isn’t really built to have a lot of traffic sit on in on a steady basis which is what can happen if there’s more traffic than the temporary station can handle.Continue Reading

An American Sadhu in Utah Local Couple Stung by Canadian Madoff – Earl Jones First Canadian TAMIFLU resistant Swine Flu Case VIA RAIL shutting CANCELLING Trains in Advance of Strike Cornwall Slumlord Denis Valade Nailed with $4K fine JOSEPH HENRY BURGESS 40 Year Manhunt Ends With His Death in MexicoContinue Reading