A tiny item snuck through this week’s city council meeting in Cornwall.    I love how council defers tough issues to city management for assessment and reports.  Usually it’s done so with the tacit goal of management coming back with justification with council’s desire. So is this concept of reducing cityContinue Reading

Politics are a blood sport.    They are not for the squeamish.   We don’t really want honest politicians.  We don’t want fair politicians.  We want our politician’s to serve our best interest.  We want our MP to bring Jobs and prosperity to our riding; even if it’s at the loss ofContinue Reading

Local TV doesn’t really exist.   Today most “local stations” are owned by Corporate Chains.  Look at the logo above.  All of those companies own national chains including our Government owned CBC. Yes, they have some local staff and offices.   Right now there’s a real war going on as these chainsContinue Reading

Good morning everyone.  Nobody wants an election.   That’s the buzz phrase that comes out of a lot of politician’s mouths and in print.   Reality is though that the majority of politicians do want a Federal election. Don’t let anyone in the Harper Government fool you.    Mr. Harper wants a majority. Continue Reading

I was reading an interesting article about busing in Norther Ontario and it led to a discussion about what the government should or shouldn’t pay for.  After all, the government is really you and I so it comes down to how much green should be plucked from our lives toContinue Reading

I hate populist gut reaction politics.    This whole Buy American thing in response to the recession is just plain silly and in some cases spites the nose the feeds the something or other…..   L I N K “There are some real downsides to Buy American,” Brady said in an interview.Continue Reading

I’m reading a lot of stories of late about the economy.    We have just had some unprecedented financial stimulus given almost world wide.  So of course that’s impacted economies and raised numbers. Unemployment is still going up.   If people aren’t working and making money the economy just cannot grow.   InContinue Reading