Dear Sir: Despite the apparent downsides of Islam there is much to applaud about this very old religion, 700 hundred years younger than Christianity.  From within our North American culture we do tend towards a worldly non-ecclesiatical way of living even as we recognize the Christian background shared by so many.  Where have all theContinue Reading

Dear Mr. Lauzon, In light of the recent (Sept.9/2010) news release by A&E for 9/11 truth, could you please pass this on to the minister in charge and the PM’s office and let me know what our government’s stand is on the issue. We are loosing our troops fighting the warContinue Reading

Dear Editor I would like to bring to your readerships’ attention to the story on CTV News September 2, 2010. Readers need to know about a Diabetes medication that can be a great hope for Cancer patients, and to let their MP Guy Lauzon know where they stand onContinue Reading

Dear City, As a crazied loon who is out to `hunt’ down my estranged spouse, I thank you for helping me track her down with the publishing of your upcoming `List of Electors’. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you! Thanks again. As you can imagine, I cringedContinue Reading

Dear Sir: So, Tammy Hart, of Newington, is seeking a nomination with the Conservative Party of Ontario.  No, she has not told me personnaly but her frequent unbalanced attacks on Premier Dalton McGuinty clearly point to that scenario.  It is fair play for opposition parties and the public to be critical of the governingContinue Reading

Dear Editor: I have many concerns about the McGuinty Government’s plans to introduce internet gambling in Ontario in 2012.  Experts on problem gambling say that internet gambling exposes more young people to gambling, preys on the vulnerable, and encourages and increases addiction. This is quite an about face for the governingContinue Reading

Newington ON – What do we expect from our politicians today? I know what I expect.  I want honesty, accountability, passion and good money management. Ontario needs a sector by sector strategy to produce high value goods and improved services.  We can’t keep increasing taxes while our productivity is going down. The public sectorContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Does anyone else think that $70,000 is a bit much to spend on remodeling the City Council chambers? It’s not like the room they use is old and decrepit, it’s in good condition and located in a modern building. What is this money being spent on? ApparentlyContinue Reading

South Stormont ON – I believe in being accountable for my words, actions and choices.  This is why I post my real and full name with my letters.  Why don’t some others? The accountability in education starts with the individual taxpayers.  We elect trustees to provide oversight and accountability for the school boards.  ToContinue Reading

23 year old Ashley Kirilow will spend 2 days in jail awaiting a court hearing after turning herself in for fraud involving her pretending to have cancer and raising $5,000. This seems odd to me. Is she likely to recommit a crime after reporting herself to the police? I supposeContinue Reading

Dear Editor The Conservative government is constantly talking about openness, transparency and fiscal responsibility. They talk about this at a time when they are being completely untransparent and fiscally irresponsible. The Conservatives want to spend 9 billion dollars (parliamentary budget officer says more) on new prisons in Canada, as partContinue Reading

South Stormont ON – Education and learning is what provides light in a world of ignorant darkness.  I have had many opportunities to witness first hand just how dangerous it is when people, societies and cultures are ignorant of simple facts and lack common decency in seeing each other asContinue Reading

Newington ON – If you think Health Care in Ontario is bad, just wait till September when you see how badly Dalton McGuinty has screwed up our Educational System. $1.5 billion per year is being spent on three and four year olds to attend full day/every day kindergarten.  Teachers making $70,000 plus, ECE’s (Early Childhood Educators)Continue Reading

Dear Editor: The McGuinty Government’s handling of the eco fees issue has been a complete fiasco.  There was no plan to protect consumers from being blindsided by these new eco fees on July 1 at the same time as the introduction of the HST. The Ontario NDP support the concept ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Honourable Attorney General Chris Bentley stated that “no one is going to be left hanging.” in reference to victims of historical sexual abuse in Cornwall. Well Chris, you’ve left almost 200 people hanging for over 7 months. Remember when you cancelled recommended counselling services  and triedContinue Reading