Dear Editor: The McGuinty Government’s Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) will cost the average Ontario family almost $800 a year, according to a study released by Andrea Horwath, leader of the Ontario NDP, on May 4. Using Statistics Canada’s “Social Policy Simulation Database and Model”, the Ontario NDP examined the HST’sContinue Reading

Scrap the Useless long gun Registry Can you just imagine that the registry has cost so far since it was introduced over 2 Billion dollars, that’s a 2 with nine zeros(2,000,000,000). Picture the number of diagnostic procedures and on time scheduled surgery’s that the people of Canada could have receivedContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Recently Barry Millet of Summerstown wrote somewhat scathingly that Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, has it all wrong with regard to the pharmacist situation.   Mr. Millett, in my opinion, has it all wrong.  The pharmacies are to be denied $750 million in professional allowances they receive from genericContinue Reading

I’m sure there is going to be a public outcry against McGuinty’s new sex education curriculum, but I would like to present another perspective. After my last letter, “Confronting Homophobia in our Schools, I can just imagine the feedback on this one! According, grade 6 students will learn aboutContinue Reading

HST will make life less affordable for Cornwall families Toronto ON – Cornwall residents shouldn’t be fooled by the cheery talk Revenue Minister John Wilkinson used when he was in Cornwall on Thursday (April 15) to portray his government’s Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The HST is a bad deal for OntarioContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Today I received, in my mailbox, yet another Guy Lauzon scam newsletter.  This latest scam is entitled “Getting Things Done For SDSG”. It is an 11 inches by 16 inches printed paper containing four pages of gobble-de-gook and of course the mandatory photograph of our less than competent member ofContinue Reading

Regarding the Old Age Security pension that Child Killer Clifford Olson is receiving he should be made to pay it all back.All future payments should be Terminated.The cost to keep this monster incarcerated is more than the allowable amount for law abiding pensioners to collect.   It costs Corrections Canada $110,223 to keep a male inmateContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Expressions of concern about our hospital cuts must be heeded; doctors who have privileges at the hospital, and other professionals, have all joined in to demonstrate how they feel.  The professional concerns are also shared by many in the public who have had deep involvement in the hospital, which after all is now ourContinue Reading

The March 25 Ontario budget shows that the McGuinty Government has lost touch with the challenges facing everyday people in Ontario. There was little in the budget to help those who are hurting in the current recession, namely, the unemployed, seniors, and people living on low incomes. Ontario needs aContinue Reading

Dear Editor SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, MEAN WHAT YOU SAY MCGUINTY!! Will this Provincial Liberal government ever learn that your word is worth something in this world? This budget once again shows us that what Dalton says during election time is not at all what you can expect once elected. Continue Reading

Dear Sir: Congratulations to our local newspapers for their excellent coverage.  They have brought to the surface the total ineffectiveness of our Conservative member of parliament [MP].  Without exception the local newspapers have found Guy Lauzon, the MP in question, to be missing in action on so many issues it is hardContinue Reading

The State, Citizens and Taxes For more than two decades, the neoconservative thought that has swept North America has succeeded in imposing its dogma of continually lowering taxes as the only acceptable financial truth.  Elaborated by neoconservative economists and applied in the United States by Republican presidents, this policy hasContinue Reading

Dear Editor: I am concerned that Cornwall’s Mayor and city councillors are misusing the public relations portion of their expense accounts. The statement of expenses for Cornwall City Council for 2009 reveals that the bulk of the $35,000 public relations portion was spent by the Mayor and city councillors onContinue Reading

Dear sirs, The other night, while watching the news, I saw a clip of Beverly Oda explaining that the government was matching the totals of all charities but the funds wouldn’t be going to the specific charity but rather to projects that fit the governments criteria and that various groupsContinue Reading